A new high value coupon is available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal this afternoon. Get $3 off any Clear Scalp & Hair product with this coupon. These products occasionally go on sale for only $2.99 each, so this could mean free shampoo, conditioner, or styling products with this coupon.
SmartSource coupons generally have an expiry date one month from the time of printing, so with any luck if you print these now they will go on sale somewhere within the next four weeks. Unfortunately though, since it is a SmartSource coupon, there is a limit of two prints per computer. This is a great coupon though so I am printing mine now so I don’t regret missing it later!
Only two days later and I’m regretting not printing it earlier! Is it just me or is it gone already?
Coupon appears to be gone now.