Canadian Coupons: Save $3 When You Buy Two Packages of Timothy’s Or Van Houtte K Cups or Ground Coffee *Printable Coupon*


A new coupon is available through our Smart Canucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $3 on the purchase of two packages of Van Houtte or Timothy’s coffee with this new coupon. The offer is valid on 6 or 12 packs of K Cups pods or 300g or more in the ground coffee format.

It’s nice to have a coupon valid on both the K Cups and the regular ground coffee! If you click through the link and do not see the coupon on the main page, select “Van Houtte” from the brand drop down at the top of the page and click “Go.” The coupon will then be the first coupon at the top left.

This is a SmartSource coupon so like the rest, there is a limit of two prints per computer. If you choose to print the coupon do us a favour and let us know the expiry in the comments!

Click here to get your coupon for $3 off the purchase of two packages of Timothy’s or Van Houtte ground coffee or K-Cups.

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