Canadian Coupons: Save $5 On Benefibre Through *Printable Coupon*


A new coupon is available this morning, and for this one you will have to visit our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal. Save $5 on the purchase of any Benefibre product with this printable coupon. The 195g size sells for around $14, give or take a few dollars, so if you find this product on sale, $5 off makes for some substantial savings.

You will be able to print two copies of this coupon per computer, and the typical expiry date for SmartSource printables is approximately one month from the time of printing, but this does vary. Just something to consider before you print the coupon. There are currently dozens of other coupons available through our SmartCanucks SmartSource printable coupon portal, so even if this one does not interest you, I would encourage you to take a look!

Click here to get this coupon!

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