Canadian Coupons: Take the Activia Everyday Challenge and Receive $20 in Coupons (mail-out)


Start the new year off right by saving one of my favourite yummy treats yougurt! Danone Canada is mailing out $20 worth of Activia coupons so you can start your own challege. Get yours here.

Activia is one of my favourite yogurts. Best flavour in my opinion is regular prune and the lemon dessert.

*Updated with Coupon details*

Just arrived in the mail, here are the details:

  • Free Drinkable Activia with the purchase of any 12x100g, Expires: February 8, 2012
  • $2 off any Activia fat-free, Valid February 9-22, 2012
  • Free Activia Dessert with the purchase of any 12x100g, Valid Februay 23- March 7, 2012
  • $2 off any 12x100g Activia, Expires June 7, 2012
  • $2 off Activia 650g Prune flavour, Expires February 8, 2012
  • $2 any Activia Fibre pack, Valid February 9-22, 2012
  • $2 any 650g sweetened or unsweetened plain, Valid February 23- March 7, 2012
  • $1 off any 650g Activa, Expires June 7, 2012

As you can see the expiry dates are spread throughout the year so you can’t use them all now.

35 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Take the Activia Everyday Challenge and Receive $20 in Coupons (mail-out)”

  1. harbie says:

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Nicole says:

    Thank you!

  3. CYW95 says:


  4. Patricia Wellington says:

    Thanks 🙂

  5. aussie says:

    Thank you!

  6. Mimi says:


  7. big momma says:

    sounds great!

  8. happy_me24 says:

    Yum! Thank you! 🙂

  9. Maddie2008 says:


  10. wendyjane says:

    Good one thank you for sharing

  11. jo says:

    thank you. i like danone yogurt too.

  12. koera says:

    Thank You!

  13. shantayl says:


  14. kathy downey says:

    Thanks for the great offer.

  15. pickgal says:


  16. Maggie says:

    TY for the great offer….

  17. skinnyminnie007 says:


  18. coupon girl says:

    nice- thank you for telling us

  19. mcminsen says:

    Thank you and happy new year! 🙂

  20. Lindy says:

    Thank you and Happy New Year!!

  21. Grace says:

    Thank you!

  22. free*is*best says:

    thanks, I eat yogurt every day 🙂

  23. denise says:

    Thanks for posting this link. I signed up for the coupons!! 🙂

  24. jason says:

    umm is it just me or is your salutation all miss, mrs, ms etc. There is nothing for males ??? It just irks me when these companies allow only women its catergorizing wich is a form of discrimination. But hey its the society we live in right were blind to certain things. SHAME

  25. sharicat says:

    Coupons are awesome and what a deal for a yummy product. The kids are going to love them. Hopefully they come in the mail. Last activia challenge I received nothing in the mail when I was supposed to try their product for free. This was a ways back though. Thanks

  26. mariesg16 says:

    jason : You can select “Mister”, you just need to scroll down a bit. 🙂

  27. Huma says:

    ha ha ha poor Jason

  28. Kathleen says:

    Happy New Year and thank you for helping to start the new year out right!

  29. Alrozac says:

    Just ordered mine. Thanks for the tip.

  30. bluebunny27 says:

    I selected Mrs .. since I like to CROSSDRESS .. sometimes !! 😉

  31. Danielle says:

    I just received my coupons in the mail today they are great coupons mostly B1G1 Free coupons and such there really great.

  32. Budgetwise73 says:

    Thanks for posting what is included in the offer! I look forward to receiving mine soon. Thanks to OP!

  33. SeriousSally says:

    Just got mine yesterday as well, excellent coupons!

  34. Andra says:

    Thanks I am looking forward to using my coupons


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