Canadian Coupons: Tons of New Coupons!!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Oh Geez!! There are tons of new coupons out there for the ordering and some of them are really great!  Here is just a sampling for you:

$2 Aveeno Body Wash

$2 Aveeno Body Lotion

$5.oo WUB 2 Stayfree, Carefree or OB

$2.00 Motrin

$4.50 WUB 2 Tylenol products

These coupons (and more) are great for stacking at London Drugs if you are lucky enough to have one near you and a lot of them are really great on their own.  Happy ordering all!

Click here to order your new coupons!

16 responses to “Canadian Coupons: Tons of New Coupons!!”

  1. Justine says:

    $1 off listerine
    $1.50 off Lubriderm
    $2 off neutrogena norwegian formula cream

    ..are pretty good.

    • maybe says:

      Most of them are pretty good. They redid the whole livingwell site! I’ll use most of the new coupons at London Drugs with some others that I already have. So excited!

  2. missbobloblaw says:

    awesome tylenol and girly product coupons!

  3. MaricrisMas says:


  4. Aussie says:

    awesome!!! I was hoping there was a benadryl allergy coupon!!!!

  5. Amanda says:

    Great thanks. Im always looking for girly product coupons..

  6. Natalka says:

    Thanks SO much!! I had no idea there was this other part to the site!
    I first went to the original site, the coupons mentioned weren’t there, then came back here and tried the link left (DUH, me!) and there they were!

  7. Stacey says:

    Just wondering….did something change with this site? I have tried for the last couple of days to get on there, but I keep getting page not available. Any suggestions would be appreciated, I use this site all the time, the coupons are great.

    • maybe says:

      They just overhauled the living well site to this new one with all the new coupons so I’m assuming that you couldn’t get on because of the site construction.

  8. denise says:

    Great! Thanks!

  9. thecountess says:

    Thanks Maybe 🙂

  10. cheapskate101 says:

    awesome coupons especially the tylenol an stayfree!!! thanks!!!

  11. Jessica says:

    Has anyone else been having problems lately with the site? When i go to it the pictures are there for about 2 seconds and then they disappear so i can’t see what the actual products are. This was happening to me before the overhaul and still is. I’ve tried refreshing but it does the same thing everytime. I’ve also written to them a couple times now asking for help but never received a reply!

    • maybe says:

      Sounds like a computer problem. Try earsing your cookies and temporary internet files and see if that makes a difference. I’ve never had that problem with the site. Oh and I’ve emailed before too, they never returned my message either.

  12. juniperjune says:

    In English the Infant Tylenol is $1.50. In Fremch it is $2.00. Guess which coupon I’m using!

  13. Stacey says:

    Still unable to get on here, I have deleted temporary internet files and still no change. I hope I can get on here soon. I have never had a problem with this site before, everything else I go on is working. Weird.


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