Are you one of those people who says “one day I’ll join a gym” but just never gets around to it?! If so, and you live in Ontario, now may be the time!
Madmoiselle’s Fitness Gym and Day Spa is offering their annual, single, family or gold memberships at 50% off during boxing week.
Click here to find your nearest location
thanks to lyssapaquette475 for this amazing deal
if you notice the print under where it says $17.25 it says plus gst on a bi-weekly membership…that’s $34.50 a month….not a deal.
yes it’s usually $69 a month! it’s 50% off 🙂
i’m a member of premier fitness which “includes” mademoiselle. i have a “gold” membership which means i can go to ANY of their locations and i only pay $15.23 (including taxes) bi-wkly!!!! I signed up in the month of March when they weren’t even offering 50% off. i even got them to throw in free daycare. it’s all about negotiating BEFORE you sign. also, i paid for the full year in cash because i didn’t want to give them any access to automatic credit card deductions. they accepted cash and i told them that i would pay in cash again for the full year when my membership came up for renewal. i was told that they still needed a credit card number on file. i was very reluctant to give it but i was assured that they would NOT deduct from my credit card. Well, guess what…when my membership renewed, they automatically started taking $15.23 off my Amex bi-wkly!!!! i didn’t bother to make an issue of it. i use the gym 4-5/days per week so my membership fee has turned out to be an incredible steal. i like premier. you need to find the right gym for YOUR needs and most importantly, make sure you negotiate the membership fee BEFORE you sign!
Just be careful, Premiere is known for ripping people off. Do NOT give your credit card, do not allow direct access to your bank account. They do not need any of that to process your membership. They will try their hardest though, and if you are silly enough to give a credit card, they WILL automatically renew, and they WILL try and stop you from quitting by giving you a runaround that lasts for many months.
Offhand, if I had to give my credit for a $10/month deal, I still would not do it. Goodlife has, as far as I know, never ripped anybody off. I do not go to Goodlife, I have my own equipment now, but a Smart Canuck would stay away from Premiere (or the Mademoiselle equivalent) as much as possible.
thanks dasey for the info!
I had a goodlife membership which I just cancelled for financial reasons. I was paying almost $40 a month, and it had access to all goodlife clubs across canada, and everything except tanning and personal training included. I think $69 a month is a HUGE rip off…what else do they offer??
ok you all are wrong… i work at Premier… Premier is a great fitness center… it is clean, fun, and always has something going on… and to the problem with them taking money out of your account… it states when you sign the form confirming your membership, it says at the bottom, “Your membership will automatically renew at the end of your term…” if you do not want Premier taking money out of your account, there is an easy solution… PAY UP BEFORE YOUR RENEWAL DATE!!!
Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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