Canadian Deal: Pre-Order New Moon at & receive a FREE movie!


26727781For all you Twilight Fans looking to buy New Moon … visit and pre-order your movie there and you will receive 1000 SCENE points …. which means 1 FREE movie ticket!

Click here to check out the deal

For me this was a great deal since we go to the movies so often that I will take a free movie any time! 🙂

7 responses to “Canadian Deal: Pre-Order New Moon at & receive a FREE movie!”

  1. mlongboat says:

    How fast do they ship? I want this movie ASAP. BUt I could wait a couple days if it means 1000 points

  2. honeydoo says:

    well it comes out on saturday, but i assume it’d arrive mon or tues if you’re in ontario (they ship from mississauga, i think).

  3. osrs says:

    Is there any scene promo codes to use before checking out?

  4. mlongboat says:

    This is what it said in my confirmation email. “Pre-order items usually ship within 1-2 business days from the release date noted on your order confirmation. ”

    Does that mean before or after the realease date?

  5. dawn_sweety says:

    after the release date

  6. itsjustmebub says:

    just relax lol
    the few days wait will be worth the free movie!! 🙂 🙂

    then you can swoon 😉

  7. susan says:

    Just wanted to double check since I didn’t keep the original email,
    Do we need a PROMO code at checkout? I didn’t see an answer to OSRS’s request earlier… Thanks!


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