Canadian Deal: RW & Co – Free water bottle & Earth Week deals

RW & Co is celebrating Earth Week by offering a free biodegradable water bottle with every purchase as well as $1 off if you bring back your RW & Co reusable bag. Hey $1 is $1 … better than $0 right? 🙂

I’m glad to see so many companies have jumped on board with promoting Earth Week/Day. At least they are doing something right!


Thanks to couponlady for this deal

10 responses to “Canadian Deal: RW & Co – Free water bottle & Earth Week deals”

  1. Michelle says:

    I was at a store yesterday in Toronto, spent 100 bucks and didn’t get the free water bottle!

  2. itsjustmebub says:

    uh oh … that’s not good 🙁

  3. boo-urns says:

    Ironic since bottled water is one of the most Earth-unfriendly products!

  4. speedytrini says:

    I spent $180 and got 1 before entering the change room, and 2 when leaving PLUS a key chain.

    I love their clothes – when I fit in them.

  5. itsjustmebub says:

    @ boo-urns
    it’s biodegradable…

    @speedy – wow that’s great!

  6. KB says:

    Um… biodegradable or not, promoting the use of bottled water is not Earth friendly. Bottled water is more expensive than gas, lesser quality than filtered tap water and possibly toxic if the plastic leeches into your water while it sits in its bottle on a shelf, waiting for you to buy it….

  7. BC says:

    boo-urns and KB are spot on.
    here’s a great video on why bottled water is bad, bad, bad.

  8. lalita1985 says:

    @KB they aren’t made of plastic…they’re made of corn resin so they aren’t toxic.

  9. speedytrini says:

    so… getting a free biodegradable bottle of water is as bad as buying one at the store – where it isn’t free, or biodegradable?

    I am missing something here.

    @lalita — great point!

  10. KB says:

    It’s not about what the bottle is made of (and if it is corn, that is about the worse product to be using. We are producing food to create products. We have destroyed farmlands to grow corn, because it is cheap. It is low in nutritional value, yet high in output value. We have changed diets of animals to get them to eat corn, because it is cheap – but this is all another topic).

    the point is this is Earth day – we should be promoting sustainable consumption. Bottled water (regardless of material used to make said bottle) is completely unfriendly to the environment.Companies use a free product and sell at prices that are higher than gas – people complain that gas costs 1,25$ per litre. Bottled water is at least 1,25$ for 500ml – meaning you’re paying 2,50 per litre for a single serving (please don’t comment that you can get them for 0,30$ at Costco, I know).

    Chemicals leech into your water from the bottle – the same way they do when you microwave your food in your plastic container.

    Bottled water is more contaminated than tap water.

    Transportation costs (money, environment) associated to transporting your water are astronomical

    This promotion is NOT earth friendly. I think it’s laudable that they use biodegradable bottles. However, on Earth Day, they should be giving you a free glass of tap water when you bring in your own mug. Or just give you more off if you bring in your own reusable bags.

    There is a reason why we say ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ in that order.


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