Canadian Deals – Air Canada 20% Off Domestic Flights

air-canadaRight now when you book domestic flights on Air Canada’s Tango and Tango Plus flights, you can get a 20% discount.  Simply enter in coupon code NXRN2KM1 on the first page, and you will receive the discount.

Click here to browse and book a flight.

Thank you Melody113 for the information.

8 responses to “Canadian Deals – Air Canada 20% Off Domestic Flights”

  1. Janszi says:

    There’s no place to enter the promo-code whe I’m on the website. I went as far as entering in a fake user name and go to the billing page where you would enter in your CC and there’s no field for promo-code. What do I do??

  2. lili says:

    in the very first page you choose your departure and destination city, and…
    there is a box which asks about promotional code(optional).

  3. Jennifer says:

    When does this offer expire?

  4. Cynthia says:

    I can’t seem to get the code to work. I tried different destinations and different dates and it says “The promotion code entered doesn’t exist or is expired. Make sure your promotion code is entered correctly.” Thanks anyway.

  5. Madeleine says:

    Thanks! The code worked perfectly for me.

  6. Kathy says:

    This offer expires August 20th…I guess that’s today…when I tried to enter the code in an attempt to book a flight in March, the message came up that said “The promotion code provided can’t be used with the selected route. Please verify and try again.” Ah well. Thanks anyways!

  7. abbott94 says:

    I tried to book from Aug.30th-Sep.6 and it stated these error messages which I am unsure of because the dates I picked are within their restrictions:

    Promotion code expires at midnight in the time zone of the departure city.

    Travel is permitted between August 19, 2009 and
    October 31, 2009

  8. flights says:

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