Now is a great time to head to Canada’s Wonderland!! The whole family can get in for less than the regular admission price when you order online and use the coupon code Thrills09. This coupon code is valid until November 1, 2009. All you have to do is put the coupon code in the Company ID field at checkout.
Here are the prices:
- Junior / Senior $28.00 (Reg: $31.49) for ages 3 & over, under 48″ tall or ages 60 and over
- Regular Admission Single Day $37.00 (Reg: $42.44) for ages 3-59, over 48″ tall in shoes
- Pay once visit twice $47 (Reg: $57.30) for Ages 3 and up, over 48″ tall in shoes
Thank you shawnsgal for the information.
Can also use ‘Rogers09’
whats the discount if you use Rogers09?
It’s pretty much the same, except that you save an additional $2 for a regular adult admission ($35).
Do we need company ID for either Rogers09 or Thrills09? What is the company for the Thrills09 code?
When you purchase the online corporate tickets do you have to commit to a specific date or are they valid for a while?
No company ID for Rogers09, no commitment to a specific date. There are some exceptions: Valid until Nov 1 and not during Halloween Haunt. There’s another thread, please see:
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