Canadian Deals: Get Two Kobo Ebooks for 20% Off

Canadian Deals & Coupons


So if you are one of the ones that has taken advantage of the Chapters weekend sale on the Kobo reader, or if you already have an ebook reader of your own, you can save some money of a couple more books to add to your collection.  Right now you can purchase any 2 Kobo ebooks for 20% off by using coupon code Scorcher20 at checkout.  This deal is only available until August 9.  Kobo books can be read on the Kobo reader, the computer and multiple other ebook devices.

Click here to check out the selection of ebooks at Kobo.

5 responses to “Canadian Deals: Get Two Kobo Ebooks for 20% Off”

  1. Jessica says:

    Thats weird, since you can’t buy more then one book at a time, there’s not a shopping cart feature that I’m aware of… It said the code was not applicable.

  2. mist_ynight says:

    Thanks! I didn’t get an e-reader but I did download the App for my iPhone I just got. The code worked great for my, I did only buy one book though.

  3. Ree says:

    This promotional code doesn’t work. I called up Kobo direct and they said it wasn’t a valid code.

  4. mist_ynight says:

    it worked for me just fine, I used it yesterday.

  5. cdnvballbelle says:

    My code does not work either. This is odd.


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