Canadian Deals – Camping Clearout Event: 60% Off

searscampingAlthough camping season is almost finished, unless you are die-hard and enjoy going later than when school starts, you can still purchase camping gear for next year.

This weekend only, August 20-24, 2009, is clearing out select camping products for 60% off.  Save on items such as sleeping bags, tents, screen shelters and more.

Click here to start shopping.

Also, as an added bonus, when you purchase more than $100 worth of product, you can save $10 on your purchase.  All you have to do is enter in code 941 612 401 to receive your discount.

One response to “Canadian Deals – Camping Clearout Event: 60% Off”

  1. Natasha says:

    Anybody know if this sale is in-store as well? Thx for passing on this deal!


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