Canadian Deals: The Body Shop Buy More Save More Sale *Sale Over*


In addition to their up to 75% off sale that also ends today, The Body Shop Canada wil take an additional:

  • 15% off on your $30 purchase
  • 20% off on your $40 purchase
  • 25% off on your $50 purchase

Today is the last day of this sale so make sure to visit your local Body Shop to check out some potentially great deals. I myself am all over this sale!

Click here to find a Body Shop near you.

5 responses to “Canadian Deals: The Body Shop Buy More Save More Sale *Sale Over*”

  1. LeveledOut says:

    Correct me if my wrong but does this mean if we buy $50 worth of the items at 75% off, we’d get an extra 25% off the $50 and only pay $25 for everything? (I must be a dreamer – or just tremendously terrible at math)

  2. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    If you buy $50 worth of items at 75% off, you get an extra 25% off $50 which is equal to $12.50 so $50 – $12.50 = $37. 50 is what you’ll end up paying.

  3. LeveledOut says:

    Ahh thanks for that. And I to refuse to pay full price 😉 Take care and thanks again. 🙂

  4. Lisa Hallman says:

    I bought the Black Velvet Apricot shimmer body lotion, lip balm and soap. Yay… it was $14. These were some of the clearance items. The were sold out online but were in stock at my store.

  5. mardi61 says:

    I think I saved a bundle but I couldn’t do the math on it if I tried. Thanks for posting this!


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