Canadian Deals: Value Village 50% Off Sale November 21st

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Here’s another 50% off sale for those of us who like to shop second hand.  Value Village is having another 50% off sale on Monday November 21st 2011.  From 7AM to 9PM save 50% off clothing, shoes, accessories and bed & bath.  The sale excludes new merchandise (red tags), books and items tagged housewares or furniture.

If you are a Super Savers Club Card holder you can shop the day before the sale on Sunday November 20th.

If you are not a Super Savers Club Card holder you can sign up for one online here. Once you have signed up for a card print out your confirmation page and bring it to any participating Value Village to get your cards and a 25% off discount coupon.

The Super Savers Club gets you members only coupons, special birthday offers, e-newsletters, exclusive online content & contests and much more!

I have just signed up for the Super Savers Club card myself.  If you already have one please share with us if you find it a worth while card to have.

8 responses to “Canadian Deals: Value Village 50% Off Sale November 21st”

  1. JJ says:

    Sorry, just to confim, if we are part of the super savers club then we get the 50% off on sunday as well? Or just the additional 25% off?

    Please let me know!!! Thanks!!

  2. mupiel says:

    @JJ – I was told by the Value Village clerk last night that as a Super Saver card holder you get 50% off on Sunday November 20th. You get the benefit of shopping the sale the day before people without the Super Saver card. The 25% off coupon is a coupon you get just for signing up for the card.

  3. Simera says:

    is the sale going to be all day on Sunday or only the last 2 hours?

  4. improperganda says:

    AWESOME! 3 of my friends are VERY ecofriendly, so all their gifts are comning from a thrift store!! thanks

  5. SALAM AJRAM says:

    thats perfectttttt

  6. SALAM says:

    thats awesomeee

  7. I just came back from the Medicine Hat, Alberta Value Village Store and they said they are not honoring super savers cards today. Is this not false advertising? Please let me know for your website says we do get 50% of today (Sunday Nov. 20th) if you have a super savers club card. Thank-you.

  8. kaku says:

    same here @ calgary location..nothing special to card holder.


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