Canadian Edition of the 2007 IKEA Catalogue: Dog Photo

IKEA Dog PhotoThe infamous dog photo in the IKEA 2007 Catalogue wasn’t tampered with according to IKEA. has a large copy of this photo. If you have no idea what I’m talking about read the following article:

You can read the full story and view the photo on here.

You can also order a free copy of IKEA’s 2007 catalogue here although I’m pretty sure they’ve changed the catalogue by now so don’t expect any dog photos.

8 responses to “Canadian Edition of the 2007 IKEA Catalogue: Dog Photo”

  1. jimmycanuck says:

    That’s awesome!! You totally made me unpack my IKEA catalogue to check that out. 😛

  2. Koni says:

    Wow what a picture

  3. Adrian says:

    I want that doggy, in the window….
    What a proud owner I would be.
    I want that doggy in the window,
    So the blind gals could think it’s me!

  4. WebDad says:

    No Photoshop? Oh, come on!

  5. Ryan says:

    Check out the new flyer from Ikea, the “Suddenly it’s summer!” one.

    The kid’s reading a Mickey Spillane book. Brilliant.

  6. Erin White says:

    Are you kidding me….you guys actually pay that much attention to what the kid is reading. Some of you have a little to much time on your hands.

  7. amycanada77 says:

    This is a great publicity stunt if you ask me – it had everyone talking and looking at their catalogue – smart indeed!

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Canadian Edition of the 2007 IKEA Catalogue: Dog Photo

Canadian Edition of the 2007 IKEA Catalogue: Dog Photo

3 responses to “Canadian Edition of the 2007 IKEA Catalogue: Dog Photo”

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