Canadian Facebook Freebie: Free Sample Of Lipton Tea


Wooohoo, a freebie I didn’t have to race for!  Simply fill in your info and choose your sample of lipton tea on Facebook.  Unfortunately I don’t have a Facebook free link.

Click here to request your sample

Thanks Debbie for the heads up.

14 responses to “Canadian Facebook Freebie: Free Sample Of Lipton Tea”

  1. Lori says:

    Wouldn’t work for me. Took my info but after entering their code (tried many times) nothing would happen when I clicked submit.

  2. Rosie says:

    Thanks OP, I selected the passion fruit orange jasmine. Can’t wait to try it out.

  3. daystar says:

    Thanks. Is said will arrive in 4 – 6 weeks.

  4. Sally says:

    Did you fill in the captcha?

    I did notice that province was missing, so i put it in the address spot.

  5. Kim says:

    Yes! Can’t wait to receive my sample in 4-6 weeks. I choose red goji with raspberry.

  6. Yuki says:

    I actually really hate that you must fill in these things with a Facebook profile…..

  7. Lori says:

    I did fill in the captcha. Maybe because I’m using Chrome?

  8. Natalka says:

    Thanks so much. You don’t have to be logged into FB to enter.

  9. Alyssa says:

    Make a fake Facebook profile for freebies, then. No harm done.

  10. Tj says:

    Yup you don’t have to be logged on to Facebook or even need a Facebook account to get this offer . Great offer ..says will be delivered in 4-6 weeks. I chose the goji raspberry one .

    People might have issues with Chrome or Fire Fox but seems to work fine with Internet Explorer. The space for province is missing for some reason, but with just the postal code and addy it should come

  11. mattsmom says:

    thanks! fingers crossed (4-6 weeks)

  12. DA says:

    I do not belong to face book and never will but went to the page and they let you order with out an acct said will be sent in 4 to 6 weeks so will see if it come in .

  13. cinn says:

    @Lorii used chrome too. and it worked!


  14. Funkymunky says:

    grrrrrrrrr FB links at work do not worrrrrrrk 🙁


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