Canadian Facebook Freebie: Schick Quattro 4th Of The Month @4pm


For the next 4 months on the 4th at 4pm (Est.) Schick Quattro for women will be giving away coupons and prize packs!  There will be 4000 free coupons $3 off every month.

Click here to like them on Facebook.

Remember the giveaway is today, so get ready!

*Looks like it wasn’t a free product, only $3 off, and was gone before 4pm est as advertised. Very misleading promo Schick.*

Below is part of the ad Schick had posted.


10 responses to “Canadian Facebook Freebie: Schick Quattro 4th Of The Month @4pm”

  1. Angie says:

    all i got was a $3 off coupon

  2. amber says:

    its only 3pm….

  3. Angie says:

    I know that…they posted a message the coupon will be for $3 off not a FPC….

  4. ashokia says:

    Yeah I got a $3 off coupon as well and there were only about 1400 left and it isn’t even 4 p.m. EST yet!

  5. mickpalace says:

    only $3 dollar coupon….:S

  6. Stephanie says:

    Nobody takes internet printed coupons where I live, therefore, thanks Schick but no thanks.

  7. MrsMarlan says:

    Didn’t work today at 4:00pm – countdown says 3 days.. which means the 7th or 8th – doesn’t make sense given they said the 4th of each month at 4:00pm EST.. Continued April Fool’s joke from them? I’m not laughing..

  8. MD says:

    This is BS it said that I printed a coupon . I never even got to that point . wast of time

  9. Sally says:

    It was a very very lame and misleading promo.

  10. Gina says:

    They could have at least made it a 4$ coupon if they are pushing the quattro!


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