Canadian Flyer Sneak Peeks October 26 – November 4: Giant Tiger & Canadian Tire

SC Official Canadian Flyer Sneak Peeks - Canadian Flyer Previews - SmartCanucks

While many of the flyer sneak peeks shared by Quebec forum members are only valid in Quebec, some are very similar across the country.  You can use these sneak peeks to get a start on your shopping list then confirm details once local flyers are available.  Tioma shared the upcoming Giant Tiger and Canadian Tire flyers for the Montreal area to help you save even more this week by planning ahead:

Giant Tiger Flyer Sneak Peek

  • Maple Leaf Flakes $1
  • Lactantia cream $2 (dairy prices are often higher in Quebec so you may find this cheaper in other provinces)
  • Lays chips $1.63
  • Post cereals $2.99
  • Purex laundry detergent $2.97
  • Pepsi 2L $0.99

Canadian Tire Flyer Sneak Peek

  • Save 45% on Quaker State motor oil
  • Save 50% on store branded garbage bags (example shown 80 bags for $5.99)
  • $1 cleaning supplies (Snuggle, Vim, Comet etc)
  • 25x e-CT money when you buy 2 packs of FRANK Keurig pods
  • 50x e-CT Money when you buy Tetley tea, Rain-x, Ove Glove and more

If you are in Ontario, don’t forget that it is the last week to buy cheap light bulbs with the Save ON Energy coupons found in store!

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