Canadian Food Recall Warning: Del Monte & Sysco Imperial Fresh Brand Cantaloupes Recalled Due to Salmonella


Freshpoint Vancouver, Ltd. is recalling Del Monte and Sysco Imperial Fresh brand cantaloupes from the marketplace due to possible Salmonella contamination. The distribution of these items is Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and possibly national. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is recalling these three products:

  1. Del Monte Cantaloupe 1 count
  2. Del Monte Cantaloupe (case) 12 count, lot 360012
  3. Sysco Imperial Fresh Cantaloupe 3 count, lot 127 12 035 5

What you should do: Check to see if you have recalled products in your home. Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the store where they were purchased. Consumers who are unsure if they have the affected cantaloupes are advised to check with their retailer.

Despite the recall, there have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these cantaloupes.

Click here at Healthy Canadians for more information.

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