Canadian Free Sample: Splenda Flavours for Coffee!


Spelnda has a new line of no calorie sweeteners that are flavoured!  They have French Vanilla and Hazelnut and you can get a free sample now.  All you have to do is fill out the form and it should be at your door in 6-8 weeks.  They come in a little stick so you can even take them with you.   As per usual, this freebie will be available while supplies last, so hurry and get yours before they run out.

To order you free Splenda Flavours sample click here.

Thanks to strew for posting this great sample for us!

28 responses to “Canadian Free Sample: Splenda Flavours for Coffee!”

  1. Catherine L says:

    Just ordered! Thanks:)

  2. Patricia says:

    Thank you….I just ordered as well 🙂

  3. Jennie says:

    How come the link is not working?

  4. heather says:

    will not load page…server error..
    tried several times


  5. heather says:

    just tried again and it worked…must be busy

  6. Jennie says:

    It works now 🙂

  7. tnatyway says:


  8. farrelldds says:

    We’ve been picking these up from the US every trip we’ve made for tha last few years. They are fantastic ( add one to french toast mix ! ) and Canada will not be disappointed !!!

  9. Redundant says:

    I just ordered mine! Can’t wait to try it! Thanks for posting this great freebie!

  10. Tina says:

    Love trying new samples. Thank you. Just received my Kashi cereal, and tried it for breakfast. It will be a new addition now to the cupboard (ordered the almond flaxseed) Another blah Monday just got better! Thanks 🙂

  11. AmberLab says:

    Thanks for the blog!

  12. honeydoo says:


  13. Sandra says:


  14. radio says:

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm artificial sweetener.
    mmmmmmmmmmmmm artificial meat
    mmmmmmmmmmmmm artificial ???????

    Methyl alcohol converts into formaldehyde by enzymes in your body that can lead to breast cancer and even MS. The key word here is CAN. Have fun trying it.

    When you eat something that taste sweet, your body senses that some sugar is on its way but where is it when you use splenda? You trick your body and so your body begins to start storing any real sugar you get making you fatter.

  15. Sara says:

    Radio…My mother was extremely healthy and into fitness. RARELY ate anything sweet/junk food. Guess what she has breast cancer and its no where in our family.

    So everyone ENJOY YOUR LIFE and this includes anything you’d like to put into YOUR BODY!

  16. dealsniffer says:

    Radio-Splenda is NOT artificial sweetner. also people get breast cancer and MS who don’t even use artificial stuff so what ever. Real artificial sweetners make me sick and my body can’t handle much real sugar-it causes me to get very dizzy and splenda I can actually handle. plus splenda is made from sugar. also splenda is really sweet so you need alot less than regular sugar. My mom uses splenda and has actually seen her weight go down. so maybe your info isn’t completely accurate. just saying.

  17. Natalka says:

    dealsniffer, yes Splenda IS an artificial sweetener – it’s sucralose, with maltodextrin to give bulk (granulated variety). The packets also include dextrose.
    Sucralose is made from sugar, by a process of chlorination. The addition of chlorine to the sugar molecule makes it unusable by the body, and it is not broken down by your metabolism.
    Splenda explains on its own site why it’s not called ‘natural’: “Although sucralose has a structure like sugar and a sugar-like taste, it is not natural.”
    They just don’t want to use the word artificial, so say it’s ‘not natural’, sheesh…

  18. radio says:

    @ dealsniffer & sara, that’s why I put “Can” and not ‘Does” cause breast cancer or ms. As for my explanation, some of the chemicals in splenda have a methyl alcohol attached to it which can easily convert into formaldehyde by some enzymes in your body. And if you know, formaldehyde is a carcinogen (CAN cause cancer) and lets not forget that formaldehyde is overall a poisonous substance. I’m stressing CAN since it all depends on your body.
    Go ask a doctor if you’d like. Many of them may say splenda is bad, some will not. The main point I want to stress out here is that all these artificial stuff we are consuming is only tested for short term effect and guess what, they don’t impact us. But what about long term effects? Know one cares because they just want to get the product out and make money.

    Lets take high-fructose corn syrup for an example, even though it may be artificial, it was a cheap alternative to using real sugar back in the day. Everyone started using it especially in high amounts in the US and look at them now.

  19. harrlett says:

    well I an grateful for splenda and and artificial sweeteners for I am diabetic and could not make things like banana bread and have my coffee with something sweet tasting in it… I dont really care what anyone says. hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    what makes me happy is a good thing!

    have a nice day all

  20. Alex89 says:

    I was very happy when Splenda first came up. But I started having headache everyday, from the day I started using it in my coffee. Once I stopped using it, the headache stopped. Maybe it’s coincidence, but I’m not taking the chance again. I still have a bag of the brown sugar subsitute I bought for baking. I’ll have to give it away to someone who does not have an adverse effect.

  21. Catherine L says:

    Radio if you don’t care for the product samples don’t order. You certainly do not need to be sarcastic in your comments. If you want to be informative do it without the attitude and maybe someone will actually listen. If you never put anything in your body that MAY contribute to cancer or MS or any other disease then good for you. But as you said a lot of products are tested for short term, not long term effects, so you may not even know what you’re putting into your body either. And by the way, your comment about making people ‘fatter’ is out of line. Makes it seem like you’re assuming that everyone who tries the product is overweight (afterall in order to get ‘fatter’ you’d have to be fat to begin with, right?), which would be assuming way too much. Just saying….

  22. Khristopher says:

    Thanks a lot! Wanna try this out.

  23. Grace says:

    Radio, may I suggest that you consider using a different forum, I for am not interested in getting into heavy duty lessons about what to or what not to put into my body. For that I try to research items which I question and make my decision from there. So thanks for maybe getting some people “thinking” about whether they should or should not use the product and you may even have started someone thinking about looking into it. Just saying….

  24. doc_robinson says:

    Quite a little debate going on here. The thing to remember is that anyone arguing a point above is mixing ’emotion’ in with their argument, so there’s some degree of bias in every comment I’ve read. Those who love the product may be downplaying health risks associated with certain foods. Those who oppose the product are skewing their argument with the words “many doctors” and scientific language to confuse the average user. And some comments above are just entirely unfounded scientific nonsense (i.e. Splenda causing weight gain) – by their logic, Red Bull would actually give you wings.

    Remember, Splenda is a processed food – as is the vast majority of food we buy at the grocery stores outside of the produce aisle. All foods undergo a chemical process, but from a MEDICAL PERSPECTIVE sucralose (Splenda’s ingredient) is not associated with the same risks as aspartame (Equal), sodium cyclimate (Sugar Twin), etc. The key, as with anything, is moderation.

    Now for my opinion – I think it’s a great freebie (I’ve rarely seen samples from Splenda), and looks like there’s plenty to go around since there’s no counter on the sign-up page.

  25. Celine says:

    OMG people… this is not the place for that kind of forum… The more you tell this “radio” person, the more “he/she” will come back with more insults. Does splenda makes you fat? really??? Anything makes you fat if you over do it.

    This is a web-site about free product, deals, coupons… If you don’t like what was found for you, well don’t order it. When I see something that is no interess to me, I just click away and don’t leave a bad or negative comment.

    BTW I ordered mine and can’t way to try it.

  26. Pauline says:

    I very much appreciate this web-site and getting my freebies.
    I am in the middle of “This Charming Man” and thoroughly enjoying it.
    I ate my freebie Kashi sample this morning and will be using that coupon that came with it. I did get my luggage tags as well. And the coupons and useful info is great. So, Thank You for all the posts!

  27. Great post with some useful information! I can’t say that I agree with everything you have written here, but there are a few important recommendations you have emphasized that can be rather useful on natural health and related topics. Please continue offering more suggestions on this topic and related matters, as there are plenty of people who are trying to evaluate the positives and negatives.

  28. Vivian says:

    link does not work


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