Canadian Freebie Get a Free Bag of Spitz on Facebook!


This one made me stop and say AWESOME!  We love Spitz at our house so the chance to get a free bag is amazing.  Add Spitz as a “like” on Facebook and you can request a coupon for a free 227g bag to be mailed to you.  My husband is going to be super happy with this freebie.

Click here to become a fan of Spitz and get a free bag on Facebook.

Huge thanks to elissabetta for this amazing freebie find.

18 responses to “Canadian Freebie Get a Free Bag of Spitz on Facebook!”

  1. Sally says:

    OOOOH niceness!

  2. Sally says:

    Theres under 400 fans, I wonder how many there will be by tomorrow!

    • maybe says:

      LOL, tons of them! I ordered my free bag of spitz. I’m loving these facebook freebies!

  3. amy says:


  4. julyprincess says:

    wow, so many FB freebies!! Woohoo. Also, just to add you don’t have to ‘like’ the page to request the freebie. I just signed into my FB account, and ordered the coupon by hitting the ‘promotions’ tab.

  5. Cheapnik says:

    awesome freebie!

  6. Sally says:

    Aw but its the least I can do is like them esp if their sending out a free coupon.

  7. soo says:

    dill pickle pumpkin seeds yum!

  8. kerry says:

    Im on facebook only for freebies,like this one…

  9. sweetmomma says:

    Awesome thanks!

  10. save-a-lot says:

    Sweet! I love spitz and all of these facebook freebies are great

  11. CarlyinCanada says:

    Thanks! Ordered them!

  12. Adnav says:

    I wonder, why I can not find unsalted sunflower seeds, all of them are salted. Can someone let me know, where I can find them beside pet stores (they sell it to feed the birds)?

  13. Karen says:

    The coupon expires tomorrow but I have no idea where to buy these in Toronto. Does anyone know?

  14. Stephanie says:

    Karen – I bought mine at Wal Mart.

  15. cheryls says:

    Got so many bags of these, don’t really like them though. I suppose they’d be bad for the birds so I’ll just throw the out

  16. Sally says:

    cheryls your comments aren’t funny. Ever.


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