Canadian Freebie: Ojon Hair Serum Sample Facebook Canada

Canadian Deals & Coupons



Click here to like Ojon on Facebook and receive a free sample of their hair serum.  Offer is available for a limited time.  Must be 18 years of age or older to claim your free sample.

Ojon is sold on the Shopping Channel.  Many swear buy it.

11 responses to “Canadian Freebie: Ojon Hair Serum Sample Facebook Canada”

  1. kekes says:

    “click here” is empty link !

  2. Kristeven says:

    I can’t get the link to work either.

  3. ShoestringShopper says:

    Worked for me! I’m looking forward to trying this.

  4. Sally says:

    I fixed it 🙂

  5. SuperKin says:

    Out of samples :(. Haven’t been able to get any yesterday and today. I am unlucky 🙁

  6. Teresa says:

    Out of samples…boo. What did they have all of 10 to give away. I love Ojon and buy it all the time on the Shopping Channel. Just have not tried the serum and wanted a freebie to try. Oh well – I can still buy on the SC and return in 30 days if i do not like it…only part is you do not get back the shipping.

  7. carlyincanada says:

    Samples all gone! 🙁

  8. Parisa says:

    samples are all gone.. that was quick 🙁

  9. Yuki says:

    thanks for the link… but you used the wrong “by” !

  10. Lori says:

    I just received this yesterday. I used it on wet hair and it worked wonders. My hair is frizzy when I wash it and leave it curly. Not with this serum (and I’ve tried ALOT of anti-frizz serums). I got alot of compliments at work today. Now I don’t have to make a hair appt. anytime soon. 🙂


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