Canadian Freebie: Rethink Breast Cancer App for Android and iPhone

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[youtube]VsyE2rCW71o [/youtube]

Now this is a topic that is near and dear to me and I would like to bring to your attention.  This is actually an app (I just downloaded it for my phone).  You get to pick your “hottie” for your monthly reminders. It’s such a great way to spread awareness and to get more women doing their self exams.  This video made my day!  The app is available for free for iPhone and Android devices.

12 responses to “Canadian Freebie: Rethink Breast Cancer App for Android and iPhone”

  1. sampler says:

    hot !!

  2. jones03 says:

    lol! this is hilarious. btw, who knew the doctor was such a hottie…

  3. bluerose says:

    I gotta start doing that ,hunky video nice Thank-You 🙂

  4. mel says:

    THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!! Someone who gets us, nice.

  5. Kim says:

    What a clever idea! Love it, Thanks for sharing!

  6. vibrantflame says:

    I love this idea! Such a cute way to get us to remember to do something important. The video is hilarious 🙂

  7. frugal_gal says:

    What a great idea!! I am going to pass this along to my female friends.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Rachel D says:

    Send this to every woman you know and help reduce breast cancer! One of the best ad awareness campaigns ever if this gets to enough women.

  9. Shelly says:

    It put a smile on my face this morning!!

  10. Lee says:

    Made me smile for sure. The doc was hot!

  11. Jenn says:

    Ha I love it! It is a great reminder thanks!


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