Canadian Freebies – $5 Taco Bell Canada Gift Card – First 30 Every Monday

tacobellHey Taco Bell lovers!!  Why not get some free Taco Bell to kick off your week?

Hi friends! Join us on for your chance to win a $5 Taco Bell gift card every Monday for the rest of August. To win, just login to Twitter, tweet us your favourite Taco Bell food, and add the hashtag #TacoBellMe. If you’re one of the first 30 people to do it, you win the bucks! Have questions? Ask. Also, we’ll have spot prizes through the week so watch out for them.

This Monday is done but there is always next.

You have until midnight (Eastern Standard Time) to participate in #TacoBellMe Mondays!

Thank you Melody113 for the information.

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