Clearly Contacts is once again giving away free glasses! This time they are offering 10 000 free pairs. This includes basic lenses and select frames. You have to pay shipping and handling, but that works out to less then $15. The sale starts at 9 am EDT September 9th 2011. Click here for more details.
Coupon code: FREEGLASSES99CA
are they ever gonna give away free contacts – since they are called clearly contacts after all!
Doubt it.
yeah, don’t think so…be it would be awesome
Anyone actualy their order from the last couple of times? There was a post that was deleted or expired and some were saying they never got their order..
So are all the glasses prescription lenses? Because I dont actually require glasses to improve my vision or anything like that but I’d like a pair for ‘style’ purposes lol.
I wonder if you can get glasses with no prescription at all…
We ordered a pair for my son on the last promotion. They were delivered right to our door and fit/look great. We had to pay shipping and I upgraded to scratch coating and what not. It came up to 36$ certainly beats the 250$ we paid for his last pair!
Freefinger, I’m not really sure what happened with that. There was a facebook promo where they said you could pick any pair of glasses (without the usual designer restrictions), delivered with standard lenses for $38 all in. However, they later changed it to be only selected frames. I’m not sure if there were orders that went through and did not get delivered – I ordered basically as soon as they posted the sale and got my designer frames for $38 without a problem. I’ve also ordered several other pairs (through the free glasses promo, as well as others) and have been nothing but impressed by their speed of processing/delivery and customer service.
Did anyone try this today? It is saying “coupon code not found”.
That’s what it’s saying for me as well Sherri. Did anyone have any success with this yet?
Doesn`t work for me either.
Sherri I had the same problem. I checked their facebook and the correct code is FREEGLASSES99CA … Im still having trouble though :/
No success. Does anyone know if you must be a new customer to receive this deal?
I AM a new customer and it’s not working for me
Use FREEGLASSES99CA it works
If you ‘like’ their facebook page… the coupon code is FREEGLASSES99CA. It is also limited to one per household and it says first time free recipients only.
i tried at 11pm and it said coupon expired, but just checked the Facebook page and another sale is in a week Sept 16