Canadian Freebies: Downy Unstoppables Freebie *Facebook*


Downy are offering 94,000 samples of Downy Unstoppables on their facebook page (great because my stash is running out).

Click here to like them on facebook and get your free sample of Downy UnStoppables in-wash scent booster.

5 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Downy Unstoppables Freebie *Facebook*”

  1. RB says:

    I would rather rub my clothes in skunk oil then use this in my laundry again. 🙂

  2. Natalka says:

    Thanks! RB – the thing to do is not use the whole sample, just a little bit of it goes a very long way!

  3. ilovescrap says:

    This made my towels so hard. They were like sandpaper.

  4. Karly says:

    I love these… thanks for sharing!! 🙂

  5. Katia says:

    This is such a useless product. Fabric softener already makes clothes smell nice. Why add more crap to the load?


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