Canadian Freebies Forum – Hundreds of Freebies

If you’re looking for Canadian Freebies checkout Freebies Forum.

iced_faerie, julieonmymind, LKB and Shawnie have posted hundreds of awesome Canadian freebies on there. I receive free stuff in the mail almost every weekday now! This is just crazy! Maybe I should do one of these silly things where I live for 1 week only on the free stuff I get 😉

Thanks iced_faerie, julieonmymind, LKB and Shawnie 🙂

You can find the Canadian freebies forum here.

5 responses to “Canadian Freebies Forum – Hundreds of Freebies”

  1. Thilipan says:

    can u list some of the freebies u got that are quite amazing

  2. iced_faerie says:

    Lol…are you really going to try something that insane? Try to live off of all the free stuff for one week? I get free stuff everyday…but i don’t think I’d ever try to live off of it…and no problem..we’ve got to promote your forum right?

  3. Boo Radley says:

    @Thilipan, sure I’ll do that 🙂

    @iced_faerie, lol no I was just kidding… I get loads of freebies too but the only problem is that I barely get any edible freebies. So if I try this 1 week crazy idea I would starve to death 😉

  4. iced_faerie says:

    Lol…I know most of them aren’t edible…and if you did try’d probably end up eating magazines or some other stuff.

  5. Thilipan says:

    Boo where are u going to list some of the freebies u got, can u make it a post on the blog?


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