Canadian Freebies: Free Cup of Tea from Teavana


Teavana are not ignoring us tea drinkers (cough McDonalds).  Get a free 16oz featured tea with printable coupon valid until March 31st.

Click here to get your coupon (it is a large file size and prints on a full page but is black & white).

A free cup may be enough to draw me in there, I have not been into a Teavana since they took over Teaopia and all of my favourite teas were taken away.

6 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Free Cup of Tea from Teavana”

  1. Paul Truong says:

    fantastic. thanks.

  2. Kary says:

    Cool thanks! Can’t wait to try it 🙂

  3. Sue says:

    Anyone know if there’s a location in London, ON? Tried their store locator and it appears they believe I live in Africa – where there are no Teavana’s located….

  4. Sue says:

    “Today’s 3000 free* yogurt coupons have
    all been claimed. Better luck tomorrow!”

  5. mark says:

    White Oaks Mall
    1105 Wellington Rd.
    London, Ontario N6E 1V4

    Call:(519) 963.0588 | Map It

  6. Sue says:

    Um. Obviously pasted the yoghurt comment on the wrong page. This is what happens when you’re at work and checking email 🙂


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