Thanks erica_780 for posting this awesome freebie in Canadian Shopping Deals and Flyers.
From March 28th till April 10th, 2009, Shoppers Drug Mart has the Ocean Spray Cranberrry Sauce on sale for $0.99. There is a printable coupon for $1.00 off “any Ocean Spray product” which means that you end up getting it for free!
Click here to print your Ocean Spray Cranberry Coupon
the problem with SDM is that the stuff is never available!!! and forget the RC–i’ve never had the product come in before it expired, and i hate the thought of asking them to reissue..but am printing a coupon to see…
I cannot find this special in my SDM flyer. Have I missed it?
Tried this on Saturday but SDM wouldn’t accept my printed off coupons. They were instructed by email they were not to accept any printed ones. If there were any SDM’s in London On that accepted them let me know.
Not available in New Brunswick – naturally!
I had a problem with our superstore not accepting printable coupons. I sent them an example of an online coupon, i think it was for stayfre, i forget. And the said that I shoudn’t have any trouble redeeming them, as long as it said that they would be reimbursed. I photocopied the letter, as it states, if i have any further problems, to let them know with the location of ths store i had the problem. I haven’t been there to use it yet.
I don’t know why Ontario has so many problems. I just redeemed mine at our shoppers drugmart. I thought they would say something about the product not matching the pic, but it was fine.
I also emailed the use the contact us on the page the stayfree was on, told them about the problem, and they mailed me out couopns, and told me i could request more next month. Some companies are very understanding.
Midland SDM wont even carry the Ocean Spray Sauce, and refused to honour printed coupons.
Thanks for posting this 🙂
SDM said my printed coupons were photo copies and gave me a hard time
I was delighted to find this extraordinary site and yes…I did get 2 free cans of cranberry sauce at Shoppers Drug Mart…I had no problems as the clerk appeared to know what to suggestion is, if clerk doesn’t refer to her/his manager on that shift…I would strongly advise you to do it.
What made me kinda nervous was the fact there was no writing on the back and the quality as in boldness and color were set to the minimum requirements and I didn’t want to mess with the keeps having “blonde moments”…lol
This event was so “sweet”, I may try it again at another Shoppers. By the way, I’m from Ontario..I mention that because there aren’t many coupons floating around in Canada in general.
I used to shop in the States where if you’re willing to pay big bucks for the Detroit Free Press, amazing how many are in there. I might also add in the U.S. at most drugstores or grocery stores, most coupons are automatically doubled and on special days even tripled.
It makes Canada look pretty chintzy…
I think I should have added’s the SUNDAY Detroit Free Press as in once per week. I used to shop a lot at Kroger….Meijers will double the firt coupon only and if you have two more like it..they will only do the face value. The trick with that one is to go thru a different cashier each time.
Kitty – I’m sitting in front of computer with current flyer and I can’t see it listed…at this particular SDM, it’s in the general area of food but on an end aisle…perhaps it is an in-store special.
Go in to store and look around and if you don’t find it, ask a clerk. Remember you can always ask for a “rain check”…providing it’s regular stock.
Run a few coupons and keep them handy in your purse/pocket.
As a matter of interest, Shoppers flyers start on each Saturday and follow through for a a week.
Kitty, your post was on March 30th I think. Flyer covers dates starting Saturday, April 4th and onward.
SDM would not take printed coupons anymore for me and I also went to Barrie walmart on Bayfield and the rsfused to take printed coupons aswell. So guess alot of places are refusing them now.
A&P will not take printed coupons, they have Cranberry Juice on for 2.99 with a dollar off just 1.99, but it all goes back to the Schnider’s coupon screw-up that hurt all of us. Haven’t seen any store in Oshawa that excepts printed anymore.