Go Coupons has a great freebie coupon right now! Receive a free coupon for Natrel Lactose free cream. You have to order a minimum of three coupons, so please take note of that before you order.
Click here to order this freebie.
I’ve never tried this creamer but I’m sure it’s great. Natrel is a great brand.
*I find their site always lags on my end so this may require a bit of patience.
I can’t get this to work…
ditto. it takes forever only for there to be an empty screen.
Shoot…I treid but no coupon. Hopefully it will work later.
Not showing up for me after signing in.
you’re right . lags. sleep is more important. I like natrel vanilla cream
anyway. No hydrogenated oil like the other brands. I wish more stores
would carry it.
not seeing it even after waiting(yawn) for everything else to show up
I am amazed that a site like that would be so slow. I did wait and FINALLY got my coupons, but I’ll think twice about wasting my time with this coupon site. There were only 5 coupons available and the site also “forgot” to add some coupons even when they were ticked. Very frustrating.
It took a little while to load, but no other problems. I ordered it for my mom and 1 for my dad under hubbys account because we don’t use cream, nor do his parents.
Thanks for posting as I usually don’t check go coupons!
Wow that was slow! It says $5 off right now. I’m not sure how much it normally costs, but that’s probably still a good deal.
Oh, wait. I most certainly DID NOT get my coupons!!!!!!
After waiting an eon, it kept saying “my account didn’t allow me the amounts” for the coupons and removed the other coupons that brought me to the required 3. What a bloody farce. Forget it. Gocoupons my arse! More like STOPCOUPONS!
Not worth the waste of time. GRRRRRRR!
worked for me, but it took 15 mins.
Thats why I posted a warning, I think it’s slow to begin with, then throw in a great freebie like this and their servers are overloaded.
Thank you!
The coupon didn’t show up for me at all….then I had a thought. It’s not showing up for me when the page is showing coupons for BC but when I changed it to Ontario, the Natrel coupon was there! interesting… I did order coupons and it seemed to go through fine though.
After looking further at the Natrel website, it looks like Natrel Lactose Free products are only really available in Ontario and BC where they are manufactured.
There are only 3 coupons available to order, and this is not one of them!
Coupon did not show up for me. Also there were 4 coupons that I would have liked, but they had run out. Very disappointing site.
Got mine, thanks for posting 🙂
It’s cream, not creamer. But yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! $5 off cream 😀
GoCoupons is a disappointing site I find as their selection of coupons is always so limited. There were no other coupons I wanted to get to the required 3.
I couldn’t find it anywhere
didn’t show for me
Got onto the site, chose my coupons including the Natrel and when I went to check out – the Natrel coupon was not included. Logged out / logged back in again. This time, no Natrel coupon at all. And the others I had chosen had now reached their maximum limit. Count me among others who won’t be visiting this site again.
didn’t show for me either.
Hm… site is never slow for me. However, this coupon not available for SK. Bummer.
PLZ could they get the Royale TP coupon back in stock!
Wont work! All it goes on about is how they save paper. Yeah by not giving me my coupon!
No coupons. Just got a go coupons page with NO coupons and a tab to say go back to coupons. There were only two coupons to order and none were the feature.
I just sent a message to GoCoupon stating the issue. Hopefully it gets resolved!