Canadian Freebies: Free Sample Of Escada Absolutely Me Perfume


Escada is offering another great sample of perfume.  This time its for the “Absolutely Me” scent.  I’m not sure if this is a postcard scent or not, either way its great being able to try it out at home before you buy.

Click here to order your sample.

Samples are available as long as stocks last. We take great precautions to keep the information you share private. Your must be aged 18 or over to request or send a free sample. Please allow 28 days for delivery. Only one sample per household will be provided.

11 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Free Sample Of Escada Absolutely Me Perfume”

  1. Rachel says:


  2. Dealspower says:

    Oh boy, thanks so much for finding this. I know my wife will probably love this big time :-).

  3. LoRaOz says:

    Thanks very much. Just got into wearing Perfume and I hate buy a bottle and not liking it

  4. NikyK says:

    Actually, Sally, would you please check the URL? The one you posted is redirecting me to the site with “the red WOT rating”:! It’s listed as “site has a poor reputation” :

  5. Sally says:

    Im not sure what your talking about Niky.

    is the link I posted

    it is the site for Escada perfume.

  6. NikyK says:

    Sally just look at the image I’m getting if I follow your link: I still do trust WOT reputation, and wouldn’t recommend to anyone to share your info to get this freebie.

  7. VeeVee says:

    Thanks Sally worked great for me!

  8. Sally says:

    But its Escadas official site, and hasn’t changed for all the Escada freebies that we’ve ever posted. Your WOT is wrong.

  9. FallenPixels says:

    WOT is based on people actually reviewing it – if everyone here signed up for a WOT account and gave it 100% on everything its rating would change, the same as competitors use sites like that to downgrade the legitimacy of sites

    If you don’t trust it, don’t use it, it is just a perfume sample but honestly, people give their info out to far more shady sites to get freebies in the freebie section than a reputable perfume company

  10. itsjustmebub says:

    worked for me thanks!

  11. J M says:

    got my sample and I smell Great


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