Thanks kittyc for posting this spectacular freebie on the forum 🙂
Get a free 2 roll pack of Sponge Towels by printing out the coupon and handing it to a cashier at any store in Canada that sells Kruger products.
Click here to print your Free Sponge Towels 2-roll Pack coupon
Coupon Expires January 31, 2008
Update: Bumping this up because it is still valid and a lot of people managed to get itÂ
Has anyone used the printable coupon with sucess?
Yes they have. You can read where in this thread on the forum:
I have use dthis coupon many times successfully – n fact I printed out a bunch and everytime I shop I look to see if they have the 2 pakcs (which can be tricky to find) and then in my cart they go! The cashiers don’t even ask to write your name and address on it!
Very easy to use!
Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario Canada
It says downloaded coupon but I don’t know where the coupon goes to lol….can’t find it anywhere after that. I had to download it as firefox default. Any suggestions? thanks
I have tried almost all the stores but did not find 2-pack. Can anyone please help me to tell at which store the redemption was sucessful ??
I live in Markham. Ont.
Thanks, I’ll try to find them in stores
Still saddens me people abuse it (see above posts) and rather keep it one-time gesture. That is why stores refuse printed/copied coupons
I used it at Zellers. They have the Sponge Towels Double Roll two pack, there for $3.99. You will still have to pay the taxes for the paper towel package you buy, So it really isn’t free.
Superstore carries the two-pack of these paper towels
why can’t an average income family get more than one free set of paper towels from a billion dollar company???
I guess I’m just a horrible person
Hah … I’m printing another one as I type…
Hey I must be really bad cause I printed 10…lol
Used it at Walmart yesterday!
Here in Oakville I have had the coupon refused at Food Basics on Kerr St. They say they don’t accept internet coupons! So I took my coupon(s) to The Barn, No Frills and Sobeys with no problems whatsoever!!
When I download this coupon it comes up just as a jumble of letter/ an symbols .. I suppose I am doing something wrong.. Can someone help.. or email me the coupon so I can print it?? thanks
I’m in Alberta and used it at Zellers a few weeks ago. Today I tried to use it at Walmart and they said they also said they don’t accept internet coupons. Funny considering she took all the ones.
I’ve only ever had trouble with Food Basics – they don’t take printed coupons – used them at shoppers, pharma, sobeys, zehrs and superstore in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario – all worked!
Never had a problem using the coupon. Used at Walmart, SDM and Giant Tiger. Sobey’s price is too much and the price after taxes exceeds $4.99 and you will have to pay the difference. Taxes are included in the face value and therefore this really is a free product.
Walmart charges me taxes…are they supposed to deduct that as well? I know its only 32 cents but………:)
The Newmarket, ON Walmart did not except the coupon., but Dominion did!!
If you want more than one free set, do what I do. Leave and come back in and get back into line with another one. Or put other members of your family in line with the coupon. My father does it all the time when you are only allowed 4 kleenex at one time.
It worked for me. i got it at superstore
well tried it at no frills, markham…..they say that only a dealer can accept this…..cudnt get that?
Wow I’ve had no problem in Kitchener Waterloo Area – except that food basics won’t take any printed coupons (which I was already aware of) and Walmart also charges me the tax – but meh I don’t mind
A dealer…? that’s weird… doesn’t make sense to me either
Now I just ask the cashier to put it through sep. and they dont charge me the tax either.
I tried to use it at Sobey’s in Toronto (Queensway) yesterday and they said they don’t accept printed coupon…damn Sobey’s!!!
I’ve used it at Zellers, Superstore, Wal-Mart, and Shoppers with no problem. Safeway refused it. If you point out that the tax is included, they don’t charge tax.
If you can’t download the coupon, you need to install Acrobat Reader, a free program, from the internet.
my mom recently used this coupon with success.
yes we used this with success i brought 2 with me and i used one and my girlfriend used the other one right next to me with the same cashier, we are going out again today to walmart with a few more. will let you know how we did today.
yes we used this with success i brought 2 with me and i used one and my girlfriend used the other one right next to me with the same cashier, we are going out again today to walmart with a few more. will let you know how we did today.
oh and no taxes for me either.
Walmart took them no problem and no taxes.
A Dominion and a Price Chopper(Toronto) store also say they don’t accept photocopied(D) or internet(PCh) coupons. Although I did use it at another Price Chopper, 2cpns at once, in fact. I wonder if it matters if your coupon is in colour?(Doesn’t look like a photocopy) Seems each location has its own policy!
I think I will try a colour one at that Pr Ch that said no internet cpns – just for fun!
Still a great deal even if you only get one – just make sure its the double roll!
When they have been accepted it is with NO question.
i used it at: Walmart, SDM, No Frills, Value Mart…… Sarnia ON……. no problems. Dont know if they charged me the taxes though 🙂
No Frills at Dixie Mall – Mississauga, ON does not accept Internet coupon. Has worked at a few other stores in the area though, including another No Frills and Food Basics.
The reason – on 2 separate occasions and from the bookkeeper – the companies issuing these coupons DO NOT reimburse them, thus leaving the store giving the product at their expense.
I don’t get it. Why would a company publish a coupon and not honour it? Makes no sense. Time to write the company a letter. I’d say everyone who experiences this should aswell.
A further note. Reading the coupon, “GST/QST/HST/PST included in coupon face value – where applicable”. Thus the taxes are included in the coupon but depending on where you live I guess. Hmm, how do you find that out then? I would assume it to be included in Ontario but some cashiers may have to calculate the taxes and enter it.