Canadian Freebies: Free Woolite Sample *HURRY*


Woolite is offering free samples of their wonderful laundry detergent.  There are only 100,000 samples available. Hurry and order!

Click here to order

Starting on September 21, 2011 and ending no later than December 31, 2011 up to 100,000 Woolite sample sachets will be issued and distributed for free on a first come, first serve basis to qualifying Canadian citizens. This sample offer is for one sample sachet of either Woolite Dark Care or Woolite Complete, which will be mailed to your home within 4-6weeks of registration. To be eligible for the free sample kit, you must be: (i) a Canadian citizen with a lawful permanent residence in Canada, and (ii) be eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of registration. Parental consent will be required for those consumers who are under the age of majority in the province they reside. Registration will be exclusively online at, and must include first and last name,complete mailing address, e-mail, and ten-digit telephone number. Limit of one (1) sample per person per household. Only one e-mail address per person may be used. If you attempt to register more than once, all subsequent entries will be void. Offer is subject to availability. A notice will be posted on the site once all 100,000 samples have been distributed, and the offer is no longer available. Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc.

20 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Free Woolite Sample *HURRY*”

  1. Amycanada77 says:

    Thank you very much!

  2. Ciel says:

    Wish it was a sample for the disappearing Woolite of the pink and white label (original version). That variety is nearly impossible to find, just like Sunlight laundry soap bars!

  3. Attheendoftherainbow says:

    Thanks 🙂

  4. star says:

    Thanks, signed up =)

  5. anon mom says:

    Thanks, got mine 9:14pm PST 🙂

  6. FatB says:


  7. Pablo says:

    Thanks! 🙂

  8. carlyincanada says:

    Thanks got mine! 🙂

  9. flower says:


  10. jo says:

    love woolite, it has saved me alot on avoiding spending alot of dough on drycleaning. hope they keep the old formula too.

  11. caroman says:

    love woolite!

  12. catlady says:


  13. Zay says:


  14. DJ says:

    I’ve never tried Woolite so I’m looking forward to it 🙂

  15. oh well says:


  16. SickOfNoneBeingLeft says:

    ***Limit of one (1) sample per person per household. Only one e-mail address per person may be used. If you attempt to register more than once, all subsequent entries will be void. ***

    Don’t be greedy people.

  17. Ruth-Ann says:

    The link to registration doesn’t seem to work. It takes me to a blue page that says “Unable to connect to database”. Hopefully they fix this soon!

  18. Nice Sass says:

    “Unable to connect to database”

    Tried in IE and Firefox. Perhaps they are out of samples.

  19. idubyan says:

    “unable to connect to database”

    no other contact info available


  20. Ivana Save says:

    I just got my sample, and I’m using IE….THANKS! I always wanted to try woolite, but it’s too much money to risk, so this is great!


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