Canadian Freebies: Get Paid to Buy Air Wick Mini Spray Kits at Walmart Canada

Airwick Canada Coupons

Air wick Mini spray kits  Harvest Spice and Vanilla are on sale for  $3.24 at Walmart Canada (regular price $17.97). The products also have $5 off coupons attached which means you end up getting PAID $3.24.

This will probably run out in no time so don’t delay 😉

13 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Get Paid to Buy Air Wick Mini Spray Kits at Walmart Canada”

  1. tracyo says:

    It is a great deal. Not to burst anyone’s bubble though but my local Wal-Mart in New Glasgow, NS will not take any coupon that’s value is more than the product itself. I’ve tried on several occasions. Just as an example they had a bottle of Lysol on sale for $1.99 and there was a $2.00 off coupon attached right to the bottle. Cashier refused and even called the supervisor over to confirm they wouldn’t take it because they would then owe me the penny. It is still a great deal even without the coupon though for the Air Wick kits.

  2. Boo Radley says:

    This coupon is a manufacturer’s coupon in Walmart stores itself on the shelf with the products.

  3. asiak says:

    Went to check them out and someone had ripped all the coupons off the packages. 🙁
    I hate hoarders! Or.. maybe it was Walmart themselves!

    Still $3 ain’t bad and I got a few.

  4. Denise says:

    went to walmart and there were none left :(.. i’ll keep checking, sounds like a great deal..

  5. Panda Power says:

    I find when I have a coupon that is worth more than the product is marked as on the shelf they will write on the coupon to change it to the lower price, so they don’t give me the change. I think that is fraud because when they send it in they will get the full price back.

  6. willowsprite says:

    Now they are paying people to fill their houses with chemicals. Guess it’s cause more people are becoming “green”?

  7. longboat says:

    I agree panda. They are going to get reimbursed by the manufacturer. So Walmart is making profit from the coupons???

  8. momo28 says:

    I just came back. The ones at my store were not marked down at all. Still 17.97 ( as far as the signs on the shelf said). Plus I can’t find any with the manufacturer’s coupons on them. Maybe will go back later to check again.

  9. BHLombardy says:

    Momo28… Walmart’s prices are updated to stores electronically from head-office. Despite what the tag on the shelf says, it’s likley the lower price. Take the item to one of those price-check stations to be sure.

    Also, with manufacturer coupons… the retailer is not required to give you change. It’s not a cheque, it’s a discount. Also, to get their money back from the manufacturer, Walmart has to submit the sales reciept used for the item. They will only recover the amount they lost (which in this case is the selling price).

    It does remind me once a few years ago with a mail-in-rebate from FutureShop — Logitech keyboards were a $20 mail-in rebate, but the kayboard was on a 3-day special of $9.99. I do computer service on the side, so I bought all they had (on seperate reciepts of course)… and then sold them for $15 apiece. 😛

    Free is Free… take it and run. 🙂

  10. bambinoitaliano says:

    First of all there’s no cash value of any manufacturer coupons. When a product is put on sale as a lost lead, it means retailers such as Walmart take the lost. They might get rebate from manufacturers but it still does not cover their loses , that’s including whatever you think they made off your coupons. For a retail value of $17.97 to have it on sale at $3.24 is obviously a lost sales.

  11. Alex says:

    Wal-Mart pulls slippers after animal-rights group complains
    Bradley Bouzane, Canwest News Service
    Published: Monday, January 05, 2009
    The Animal Defence League of Canada is celebrating a “major victory” after Wal-Mart Canada agreed to pull a type of Chinese-made slippers that contained real rabbit fur from its shelves.

    The retail giant pulled the Tender Tootsies slippers, which advertised “all man-made materials,” on Monday morning after a member of Vancouver’s Animal Defence League discovered the products were incorrectly labelled and contained real fur. Wal-Mart has a no-fur policy at all of its stores.

    “They have been pulled from the shelves, and what we were told is that if there’s any still on the shelves, their UPC code won’t go through at the till while they’re in the process of taking them out of their stores,” said Marley Daviduk, a spokeswoman for the Vancouver branch of the national organization.

    “Wal-Mart was extremely compliant and right away said that they do not sell fur, so right away I knew it was another case of Chinese suppliers being dishonest with companies and giving them real fur when they think it’s fake.”

    Daviduk found the slippers while shopping last week and the Ottawa and Vancouver branches of the Animal Defence League immediately contacted both Wal-Mart Canada and the product’s London, Ont.-based importer.

    “I knew right away it was real rabbit fur, but it said on the tag that there were no man-made materials,” she said.

    “In Canada, there are no laws regarding labelling, so items don’t have to say which animal it is, let alone say that it’s real. But you can’t mislabel them, legally.”

    Calls to Wal-Mart Canada and Tender Tootsies Ltd. were not immediately returned Monday afternoon.

    © Canwest News Service 2009

  12. Momo says:

    Went to Walmart yesterday and did not see them, however, there were products from Glade where there was a $5.00 mail-in coupon (little sticker) from WALMART that was attatched to some of their items. You are to purchase the item. At home, you are to fill out the little sticker that you detatch from the front of your purchase, cut the ISBN number off of the package, take the Walmart bill, then stuff them all in an envelope. You address it to WALMART. Within 6-8 weeks, you will receive a gift card from Walmart for $5.00. That is alot of time and effort for collecting $5.00 from Walmart!!!

  13. Janet says:

    Not worth the effort for sure. Most of these mail-in deals are not convenient. You should be able to get the deal at the store location.


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