Canadian Freebies: Pampers Gifts To Grow 10pt Code


Pampers wants to celebrate the cold with a free 10pt Gifts to Grow code.  Enter FB1MLK21AP6PD13 for 10 free GTG points, valid  until 11:59 CT Jan 25th.

Check out the rewards page too, there is a $25 coupon booklet available for 400pts

This coupon booklet has offers on 14 P&G brands and is worth over $25 in savings. All coupons expire August 31, 2013.
Brands Involved: Pampers® Splashers® Diapers; Align® Digestive Care; Always® Pantiliners; Always® Pads; Bounty® Paper Towels; Braun® Electric Shaver or Epilator; Duracell® Batteries; Febreze® Fabric Refresher; Febreze Home Collections®; Head & Shoulders® Iams® Dog or Cat Food; Ivory® Body Wash, Bar or Hand Soap; Pepto Bismol® or Children’s Pepto®; Puffs® Tissues; Scope® Mouthwash.

4 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Pampers Gifts To Grow 10pt Code”

  1. amandabananda says:


  2. Natalka says:

    Thanks so much!

  3. C says:

    That coupon book is the one that has been coming free in specially marked diaper packages- seems like a rip off!

  4. Caitie - couponclippercaitie says:

    C- Thanks for letting us know what coupons are in it! If it’s the one from the diaper boxes it is definately not worth 400 pts!


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