Canadian Freebies: P&G Fall Beauty BrandSamplers Available


P&G have a new beauty themed sampler offer available on the P&G Everyday offers page.

Like previous samplers, not everyone will qualify for a sampler pack.  Current samples include Pantene Expert Hair Care products, Secret deodorant, Olay Bodywash and Olay Regenerist skincare.  The answers to the questionnaire will determine what samples you receive, so let us know how you answered and what samples you get!

Click here to get your P&G Brandsampler.

20 responses to “Canadian Freebies: P&G Fall Beauty BrandSamplers Available”

  1. Natalka says:

    Thanks, got them all. I’m 54, answered all other questions ‘other’.

  2. lisalisabobisa says:

    Thanks Natalka.. I answered 34 and other to all but didn’t qualify – didn’t work under 25 or other categories at all – I hit back button though and it worked for me with changing to your age range.. 🙂

  3. Michelle says:

    I’m 39 put “other” and got all 4

  4. Joy says:

    I’m 40, put other for all, except lady speed stick for last question and I got all four.

  5. Dome says:

    Age 36, Select OTHER for all the questions and you will get it

  6. Garrison says:

    Thanks for the tips, went with age 35-44 and other for all questions & it worked

  7. kerry says:

    I got the beauty package,with no questions,I just logged in to my acct,from the email they,sent me.

  8. Alex says:

    Well, got the beauty package – put in the 54 range (LIE!) and choose other for all questions (ANOTHER LIE!)… doubt I’ll use the sampler, but I’m sure my wife might enjoy it 🙂

  9. KM says:

    What BS. I got nothing.

  10. improperganda says:

    Thank goodness I read the comments before I submitted anything, I got all 🙂

  11. tazchic says:

    Thanks for the assistance!

  12. rockco says:

    Replied Age 35-44 and DOVE for the rest of the questions. Worked.

  13. Tweets77 says:

    Scored one …thanks!!!!

  14. atyoung says:

    Selected 45 – 54 age group. Selected a brand of shampoo currently used, and the remaining 3 questions as “none” or “other”, and got nothing.

    Thanks anyway, Smart Canucks! I love these free samples bonanzas!

  15. Bee says:

    Thanks all. Selected age 35-44 range and clicked Other for the rest of the questions. It worked.

  16. krish says:

    thanks worked

  17. Mark says:

    promo over ? can’t find link on page


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