Yes you read that right! ANOTHER brandSAMPLER pack is available to be ordered from P&G, and if you ordered the previous one earlier this month, you will still be able to order this one.
Log in with your P&G Everyday account email and password and you can request this brandSAMPLER pack containing the following items:
- Mr Clean Magic Eraser
- Febreze Car Vent Clip
- Gain Flings
- Cascade Platimun
There is a limit of one package request per mailing address per offer period. If you are not a P&G Everyday member then you can register here first. You will then be able to order your brandSAMPLER pack by clicking the link below.
Click here to order your free P&G bransSAMPLER pack!
It’s taking forever to load and then it said “page does not exist”??
Never mind, it worked “sample will be delivered in 6-8 weeks!”
Thanks for posting Anne!!
page doesn’t work for me either.
working now, got one!
We’re sorry.
We’re currently undergoing maintenance and your request cannot be processed at the moment. Please try again shortly.
Says the site is under Maintenance now.
I was able to put my order through at 11:55am EST, but the page was very slow to load. If I go back to the page now (ten minutes later), it loads very slowly before saying that the page is currently undergoing maintenance. So, it was working. Hopefully it comes back up!
If you get “page does not exist” then try it again. It should go through the second time 😉
It tells me its going under maintenance atm
Working now….great. Thanks!
Working now and fast
tried the second time like mentioned, and it worked, thanks
Been getting site maintenance on all three BrandSAMPLER sites for 24 hours now.