Rogers wants to thank you for being a loyal customer. The 3rd Aunual Rogers Appreciation Event is back!!! Enter your Rogers cell phone number and pick a gift. You could win 1 of 5 Grand Prizes or 1 of over 1,000 other Major Prizes.
Prizes include magazine subscription, free movie/game rentals, skins for your cell phone, and lots more. Please share with you here what you got!!
To see what gift you can get, click here.
Thanks to ilikedealsss for sharing this deal with us!
One thing people should be aware of: for magazine/newspaper subscriptions, depending on the publisher, it happens quite often that they keep sending you more copies after your subscription expires…following with a bill!
I got a ‘skin’ for my phone. I got one a couple of years ago for my old phone and loved it. Now my new phone won’t be naked anymore! 😉
Just got a 6 month subscription to Today’s Parent, which is Awesome! It will take the place of the 3 month subscription I had gotten from the cereal box months ago!!
I have gotten subscriptions from this event in years past and I can assure people that they do not bill you. You do get requests to continue the subscription for $1 a month (they will add the cost to your Rogers Cell bill) but other than that I have never gotten a bill. I have just ignored the requests and eventually they stop. It’s a great gift, I love getting Macleans & Chatelain!
I’m getting Chateleine (francais). Thank you soooo much for posting!
I thought Fido was bought out by Rogers, yet when I entered using my Fido number, it said that it was invalid. Anyone knows if it’s because it’s not a “Rogers” phone #?
Instead of the magazine subscription I donated my gift to the United Way, and encourage others to do the same. We have an opportunity to make a difference for someone that cannot do so for themselves.
got the free movie rental
I got a new cellphone this year and should have signed up w Rogers..:(
Telus only offers free calendar once a year, which I don’t really need…
mclean’s subscription
I got a new skin for my phone and a Todays Parent subscription…..if you are on the family plan you can use all your numbers!
Not fair. I use Rogers Cable for years, and still not qualified for any gifts ???
Ivan, me too. Hope there will be something for cable customers soon.
I won the free subscription of the magazine as well. When I had entered all the information and pin and clicked “submit”, the next page said “error” something and when I tried to entered all the information again, it said my pin has already been entered. Does that mean that Rogers already has my information re subscription? Did anyone else got that error page as well????
I got the same error message…I sent Rogers an email about it…hopefully they’ll still send the mags
Soooo we’ve had a Telus and a Rogers promo, how about a Bell one? 😀
The same thing that happened to sweetpanda happened to me too when I requested the free magazine. I got the error page and when I tried to submit it again, it said that my pin was already used.
I also got the error page for the magazine subscription followed with a message claiming my pin has already been used and when I tried to get the TEGO cover, it ended up costing $8 instead of the supposed $3 shipping cost only…I hope I get the magazine at least.
Just because Rogers bought Fido doesn’t mean they are the same. Fido gets the enjoy the benefits of saving while people from rogers love to get screwed over with high costs and what not. With that said, rogers is giving back to us with shitty stuff like this.
OMG i just won a a Sony CMTLX20I Micro hi-fi With Ipod Dock…
Congrats…which box did you choose? lol
2 3
4 5 6 7 so on
i picked 4, than 3 than 7.
the last ones usually give u the prize.
I won a magazine subscription or free movie rental, etc. I chose to send it to United Way.
For info, I’ve just received my first issue of the CB magazine.