Canadian Freebies: Starbucks 4 Pack Flavoured Coffee Sample


This is really cool!  Receive a free sample of Starbucks flavoured coffee when you play their matching game!  Its for their .com site but is available for Canadians too!  It can take up to 6 weeks to receive your free sample, while supplies last.  I can’t wait to try mine.

Click here to play the matching game and get your free flavoured coffee samples.  (If your not already registered on you will have to take a minute and register an account after you play the game)

66 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Starbucks 4 Pack Flavoured Coffee Sample”

  1. Trinity991 says:

    Something may be wrong with their system. I play the game and then sign in and it gives me an error page. Hoping the site is just busy and it will work later.

  2. YOUYOU says:

    cant get this to load after entering shipping info 🙁

  3. Sally says:

    Hmmn, mine went through ok, maybe tech can fix it in the morning?

    (mine was this morning before I had to leave for a family thing)

  4. Tara says:

    I couldn’t get this to work. Oh well.

  5. Andrew says:

    I have been unable to get this to work either. It errors out after entering the shipping address for me too. Too bad, I was looking forward to this freebie.

  6. yep same is happening to me too…

  7. Laurel T says:

    Seems to be back up. Worked for me and my mom this afternoon.

  8. Litesandsirens911 says:

    not working for me either…have tried to load it twice now…and also, it only says it is sending me the free VANILLA sample..hmmm

  9. prmetime says:

    Didn’t work for me. I reported it to Starbucks.

  10. Linda says:

    not working for me

  11. seapotato says:

    not working for me either

  12. Michael Kwan says:

    I get the error page after entering shipping info. Something’s busted on their end…

    From the error page:

    We’re sorry — something has gone wrong on our end.
    What could have caused this?

    Well, something technical went wrong on our site.
    We might have removed the page when we redesigned our website.
    Or the link you clicked might be old and does not work anymore.
    Or you might have accidentally typed the wrong URL in the address bar.
    What you can do

    You might try retyping the URL and trying again.
    Or we could take you back to the Starbucks home page.
    Or you could use the site map to find what you�re looking for.
    One more thing:
    If you want to help us fix this issue, we are here to help. Please contact us and let us know what went wrong. Be sure to let us know what Web Browser and Operating System you were using when this occured.

  13. kerry says:

    Tried the game 4 times,and then entered my starbucks was slowly directed to an error page.Tried 2 different browsers,too.

  14. howwon says:

    Tried twice and kept getting an error page. Bah

  15. Yaya says:

    It worked for me. GL

  16. misslollieputty says:

    Mine worked this morning – 8am.

  17. Mtlmom says:

    Worked for me, Thanks!

  18. Rylkat says:

    Worked for me. Thanks!

  19. Lesley says:

    Got it too. Thanks for the tip!

  20. benjames says:

    I got it to work by doing it twice, first time got the error message, did it all over again by clicking the back button a couple times, re typed my info and it worked, also said the address was wrong when it wasn’t so I just checked the box ignore this message and it was fine.

  21. thecountess says:

    Worked for me, thanks!!!

  22. Natasha A. says:

    I had to do it in IE not Firefox….I hope that helps

  23. Kathleen says:

    I got an error message about my address not being valid. But there was an option to say ‘Yes, that address is correct, ignore the error message’, and when I checked that box my info was accepted.

  24. breaster says:

    I tried a few times last night with no luck but this morning I was successful:

    “Thank You!

    Now we can send you your free sample 4-pack of Starbucks VIA® Flavored Coffee. Look for your sample to arrive within 5-6 weeks. Limit one sample per household. While supplies last.”

  25. BB says:

    Ummph, I keep getting an error again this morning. Will try again in a bit.

  26. Deb says:

    NOt working. Keeps giving me back a message “Error on our end”….

  27. Frugal.Tea says:

    Tried it in 3 diff browsers, not working. Will try again later 🙁

  28. seylz_gurl says:

    Didnt work for me, tried 3xs and gave up.

  29. Zeta says:

    I tried this twice and kept getting a technical error so I emailed starbucks. They should fixe this and email me.

  30. Lisa says:

    I did the little matching game and then ended up with the error page as described. I went to the search function and searched for “free sample”. When I got the search results, I clicked on the first item listed and immediately got this:

    Order Confirmation

    Thank You!

    Now we can send you your free sample 4-pack of Starbucks VIA® Flavored Coffee. Look for your sample to arrive within 5-6 weeks. Limit one sample per household. While supplies last.

  31. Lisa says:

    Had to create an account first before i did the above

  32. Momand2kidz says:

    I am still getting an error message.

  33. barb says:

    I tried Lisa’s suggestion…however it works when you are signed in AND not signed in which indicates to me that it won’t work. If you’re not signed in and you get the same message…where are they sending it to as they have no mailing address?? Just a generic page I guess. Will keep trying.

  34. Lisa says:

    Barb, they did ask for mailing address

  35. Trinity991 says:

    I still couldn’t get it to work this morning using Firefox. I tried in Safari and it worked fine.

  36. Seaglass says:

    Thank you very much! I worked fine for me on Firefox, although it said my address wasn’t valid. I clicked the box that confirmed it was valid and it went through fine.

  37. Trinity991 says:

    Seaglass, it said my address wasn’t valid too and I clicked the box that confirmed it was valid too.

  38. Litesandsirens911 says:

    finally worked this morning after 4 tries…hope it actually comes.Thanks for the wonderful post.

  39. GoJays says:

    Up and down, up and down… it’s like sitting in an aisle seat at a sporting event… it was down for me as well 🙁

  40. FreebieChick says:


  41. BB says:

    Yeah! I finally got it to work.

  42. dee says:

    Finally got it to work!:)

  43. Skippy says:

    Thank you!

  44. Frugal.Tea says:

    Finally worked 🙂 Thanks

  45. kerry says:

    Finally worked on mozilla,juat now…

  46. Barb says:

    It did ask for a mailing address as you created an account prior to doing the free sample search. Don’t log in and try to do the same search. You still get this message…

    Order Confirmation

    Thank You!

    Now we can send you your free sample 4-pack of Starbucks VIA® Flavored Coffee. Look for your sample to arrive within 5-6 weeks. Limit one sample per household. While supplies last.

    They can’t send you anything if you are not signed in.

  47. mcminsen says:

    What Lisa said in post #30 here this morning appears to be exactly what I said (word for word) yesterday in the “Canadian Freebies and Samples” forum.

    See what I wrote (post #18) yesterday here:

    Isn’t that amazing?!!!

  48. Momand2kidz says:

    It worked for me finally..thanks Op! Hope it comes :))

  49. lemonjump says:

    when i was typing shipping doesn’t seem to have BC..which provinces should i choose?

  50. neesci says:

    got it working for me. cant wait to try it. Thanks for posting this great find!!

  51. Zeen says:


  52. JulieA says:

    No more freebies, I guess. All they’re giving now are two $1 off coupons. 🙁

  53. starbaby55 says:

    it’s actually one ONE 1$ off coupon. one if canadian and one is american. you have to print and present the one applicable to you.

  54. HB says:

    Yeah no more freebies :(, I do not want a stinking coupon. I want my freebies. Starbucks if you see this I am not going to try it unless I get a freebie. What happens if I spend my money and find out I do not like.

    Freebies are always a good marketing strategy when it comes to the introduction of new products and not coupons. Use coupons when you want to move more product after it has been introduced to market.

    If an employee does see this and you wish to send some freebies over my way [email protected]

  55. opal says:

    Oh yes HB, that’ll make ’em wanna give you something alright! haha. Actually Starbucks is very good – if you don’t like something, you come back to them right away and say OMG this was NOT good. I’d like to try something else or get a refund and they will do it. I haven’t had a problem, but only tried it once.

  56. davidM says:

    I wish there was more clarification in titles or headlines, ie;they advertise a”SAMPLE” of starbucks coffee ,BUT no you get a $1 coupon.
    what’s sup wit dat ?

  57. HB says:

    @Opal – I would rather get the 4 sample packs to going back to Starbucks 3 or 4 times telling them I did not like it without having to pay. That is why I hit the freebie link in the first place.

  58. Rita says:

    The game works, but you only get a $1 coupon.

  59. TallNFunny says:

    Thanks for the link to the coupon, but I want my freebies!!! Disappointed to have missed it! 🙁

  60. Diane456 says:

    Coupon was for $1 off not for free coffee. Disappointed!

  61. Jake says:

    I believe too many requests have been made. The server was backed up. Now it gets overwhelming demand, Starbucks just stopped the samples I guess. Too bad for us who got the error message although we visited the website and won the game as so many users out there.

  62. Jenna says:

    I got coupons too butter then nothing thanx

  63. Lisa says:

    Yes Mcminsen, it’s word for word. You posted it, trying to help others so i tried it too and thought i would help people by posting the same thing as well. If you didn’t want people to do it then you shouldn’t of posted how you did it.

  64. Cedric says:

    Just Arrived!! so yummy!

  65. Scarecrow says:

    got mine too…very cool


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