Canadian Mail In Rebates: Free Resolve Gold Oxi-Action Rebate


Here is a brand new mail in rebate offer, which I am happy about because like many of you, I did not get the recent newspaper insert full of fantastic mail in rebate offers. The offer to try Resolve Gold Oxi-Action that was inside that insert, is now available for everyone to try for free!

Purchase any one (1) Resolve Gold Oxi-Action In-Wash Stain Remover Product (Powder or Gel, 625g or
1L) and receive up to $7.00 to cover the cost of the product, plus taxes and postage, by mail.The offer is valid only on Resolve Gold Oxi-Action In-Wash Stain Remover Products (Powder or Gel, 625g or 1L). All purchases must be made before May the 24th, 2015, and your mailed in request must be received by June the 24th, 2015.
You must submit the mail in rebate form, along with your dated cash register receipt, with the UPC of the product purchased recorded on the receipt.
Click here to print your mail in rebate form.

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