Canadian Retailers Are Doing Everything They Can To Keep You At Home On Black Friday (Or Should I Say Black Friday Week?)

Well, you’ve got to hand it to them: Canadian retailers are not going down without a fight.  This year there are a record number of Black Friday sales and for the first time ever there are an increasing number of Black Friday Week sales.  Canadian retailers are rising up against their United States competition and sending a clear message: “Canadians will stay home this year on Black Friday”. 

However, we would not be very smart here at Smart Canucks if we didn’t alert you to the fact that not all of the Canadian Black Friday deals are all that great.  Please be aware that although the retailers will come at you with flashy signs and midnight madness, there are still better deals found south of the border.  I am certainly not encouraging people to ignore the sales found right here at home.  In fact, I highly suggest people search for deals in Canada first and then compare them to those found in the US.  If the better deal is in your own backyard, by all means shop to your hearts content and support the Canadian economy.  However, if the Black Friday deals in the USA can’t be beat, then go and save yourself a loonie.  Bottom line: be a smart and savvy shopper.  Do your research and stretch your dollar.  Oh, and remember to have fun!

Do you plan on shopping in Canada this Black Friday?  Or will you go where the better deal is (even if it means crossing the 49th parallel?)

5 responses to “Canadian Retailers Are Doing Everything They Can To Keep You At Home On Black Friday (Or Should I Say Black Friday Week?)”

  1. cdn75 says:

    I have never bought into the whole Boxing week sales thing, so could care less about Black Friday. There are good sales all year if you look for them.

    Black Friday is American consumerism at its finest.

  2. kerry says:

    I agree cdn75,I was only aware of black friday,last year,and i certainly am not interested in another obligated buy now because its too high pressure,besides,I think us canadians,are getting too involved in american its a one way street.

  3. Sue says:

    Lived in the States for a few years and did the Black Friday thing once. If you’re heavily into ‘stuff’ and think that by spending less you’re getting a better deal (no doubt for ‘stuff’ you don’t need), then knock your socks off. For us, it was like watching the crowds at a sporting event. Find it hard to spend just for the sake of spending (some people call ‘spending’ “bargain hunting”.) Gotta’ need it, not just want it! Having said that – we’ve shopped in Port Huron, MI these past two weekends. Christmas shopping, groceries (including a fresh turkey for about $10) and a few other needs. Yep. I’m a conflicted shopper.

  4. hibaxox says:

    hahaha sue, ure funny!

  5. Kelly says:

    Even if the deals are better in the states, it is not worth the time or energy to go down just to fight a stampede of mad shoppers to get the sale items. Plus, you have to take into consideration the money you spend staying an extra night in the states (unless you want to pay for duties and taxes). It’s just not worth it for me. I am, however, super pumped that there are now black friday deals in Canada!


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