Canadian Tire has an awesome offers for Cyber Monday Sale which will start on Monday, November 27: Receive a $50 Promo Card when You Spend $200 Online. The promo card will be mailed to billing address. This offer and more deals are valid online only, Monday, November 27, 2017.
Click here to view Canadian Tire Online offers.
Click here to view Canadian Tire flyers.
Just wanted to memtion that I placed 2 –
Orders with Canadian Tire at 11:30 pm – their promo ended at 11:59 pm One was $203 and one was $207 BEFORE taxes!! In ourpose inmade sure I wS just over the $200 to ensure my orders were eligible . When the emails came the following day BOTH orders had been reduced to JUST under $200! They reduced one item on each order . When i called he said to be honest inhave had a lot of calls on this today . It happened toBOTH my orders – looks very suspicious on CT part !