The Quebec flyer sneak peek for Canadian Tire starting on Friday 6th November shows that they will have another 20x e-CT Money day on Friday. While the flyers are usually similar and these 20x days have been Canada wide when advertised, it may not be applicable in all provinces.
This offer is not valid for paper Canadian Tire Money, you must have an e-CT Money account or a Canadian Tire credit card, in which case you will still receive your extra 10x e-CT Money on top of this 20x offer for a total of 30x e-CT Money.
Exclusions from the last 20x day included gift cards, lottery tickets, hunting and fishing licences, tire disposal fees, tire taxes, any rental charges, refundable deposits, environmental fees, repair charges, delivery or assembly charges, store services (other than automobile service), inter-store sales, account charges, towing charges, prepaid cards, phone cards, tobacco products or alcohol, Pit Stop parts/labour charges, and more. Most in-store items are included though.
Click here to view the flyer sneak peek for the Canadian Tire flyer starting on Friday 6th November