Canadian Tire Get Pumped Promotion: First 3,500 Get A Discount On Gas + Free Trident Gum


Once again Canadian Tire is offering their Get Pumped promo. The first 3,500 people to register for this promotion will receive a discount coupon for gas, and a coupon for a free 14 piece package of Trident gum. The gas discount will depend on how many times the offer is shared. For every 1000 shares the discount will increase by 1 cent per litre, up to a maximum of 7 cents per litre.

Click here to be one of the first 3,500 to receive your discount gas coupon and free Trident gum coupon. You can Share the offer on Facebook, Twitter or by email up to a maximum of eight shares per person per day of the promotion. You have until June the 26th to register.

One response to “Canadian Tire Get Pumped Promotion: First 3,500 Get A Discount On Gas + Free Trident Gum”

  1. Abby1 says:

    Thanks for posting this!


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