Canadian Tire Promotions: Purchase a Limited-Edition Toaster Featuring One of Three Hockey Greats for $24.99


Canadian Tire has an awesome promotion available now: Purchase a Limited-Edition Toaster Featuring One of Three Hockey Greats, and help get kids off the sidelines and into the game.

All proceeds go to Jumpstart Charities, helping remove barriers to play and sport.

Connor McDavid, The Toaster of Tomorrow, Regular price$24.99

Jonathan Toews, The Toews-ter, Regular price$24.99

Click here to get your toaster online.

3 responses to “Canadian Tire Promotions: Purchase a Limited-Edition Toaster Featuring One of Three Hockey Greats for $24.99”

  1. Joe howard says:

    Now this is just plain lame … Tacky is the word for this toaster!

  2. moe says:

    Hockey toasters. . . Why? And bight RED to Boot Looks like it toasts the likeness of a players face on your toast . . . Ha,ha

  3. Jamie says:

    It’s all sold out 🙁


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