Canadian Tire & Real Canadian Superstore Western Deals: Save 10% off any $25, $50 or $100 Canadian Tire Gift Card

Canadian Daily Deals

Real Canadian Superstore has a great offer in there western flyer Deal that includes: Save 10% off any $25, $50 or $100 Canadian Tire Gift Card. Discount applied outomatically at time of purchase.

Click here to view Real Canadian Superstore flyers.

Click here to View Canadian Tire flyers.

One response to “Canadian Tire & Real Canadian Superstore Western Deals: Save 10% off any $25, $50 or $100 Canadian Tire Gift Card”

  1. Paul says:

    Be aware you can’t use the CT gift card online. Bought a bunch of these previously and tried using these in conjunction with an online only promo card offer and found out they can only used in store. So I reluctantly paid with my credit card and still have received only 1 of the 2 promo cards(for 2 separate orders) by mail that I was supposed to receive. They’re aware of my issue for 2 weeks and are apparently still looking into it. Won’t be in any hurry to buy more or do an online promo ever again with this kind of customer service.


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