Canadian Tire Scratch and Save November 19-21

Canadian Deals & Coupons


It’s time to keep an eye out for your Canadian Tire flyer.  From November 19-21 they are having a scratch and save event and every card is a winner.  You can win 1 of 3 prizes of $5000 or $5 off your purchase or a 3 pack of Lindor chocolate!  I mean, when the worst you can do for buying things you were going to buy anyways is chocolate I’d say you’re having a pretty good day.  Great time to pick up some Christmas wrap or decorations.

The scratch card can be found in your Canadian Tire flyer, but if you don’t get one in the mail, you can still pick up a card at customer service.

Thanks to YOU AND ME for posting this event for us.

20 responses to “Canadian Tire Scratch and Save November 19-21”

  1. maplegirl says:

    oh boy…time to hit the recycle boxes again….I need more free juice & water 🙂

  2. sabina says:

    Is this everywhere?? if so yay I will wait for the card then I am going to buy the train set

  3. Andie says:

    maybe this time we’ll get the flyer. sometimes living in a building sucks – we don’t get *everything*.

  4. Scarecrow says:

    Wow, 3rd time in 3 months for the scratch card. Is this going to be a monthly thing for CDN Tire? I hope so.

  5. Eeyah says:

    Has anybody posted the CT Flyer yet?? (if so I can’t find it) Are there any good deals?

  6. thaichips says:


  7. momof5boys says:

    Our customer service does not have extra scratch and save cards – a person has to take their own….

  8. Delynn Clarke says:

    Oh wow I love it when there Scratch and Save cards come out. Great deals too…..ya for free chocolate or money off your purchases. thanks for the heads up I will wait for this to come with my fryers. thanks again

  9. Maddie says:

    Well, lets hope my complaining to the newspaper company pays off this time, we didn’t get either of the last ones. Conveniently we didn’t even get the CT flyer

  10. mhk says:

    Is it just me or does the Edmonton Journal not send CT flyers out to subscribers any more? I have not recieved a CT flyer in about a month now. Anyone in Edmonton know?

  11. sampler says:

    i hope i get $ instead of chocolate ..but chocolate is always nice 🙂

  12. tami says:

    I’d prefer if they just did $5 off, i don’t care for chocolates at all…
    for those of you not getting your flyer, you really need to complain to the newspaper it comes with (or your local CT store), it means some dishonest distributors or carriers somewhere are hording it. My son delivers the flyers in our area, and ALL the 50 flyers were delivered with the scratch card scratched already!… too bad since more than likely he’s the one getting the blame for that from people he delivers to.

  13. brandy says:

    Found 50 at the top of the garbage.. my building seems to throw 90% out and stack a few on a shelf for any takers lol

  14. frugal_gal says:

    Great!!! Really shouldn’t complain but I guess I’d have preferred if cards guaranteed at least $5 savings vs that or 3-pk chocolate…I know for sure I’d go pick up a few items if I knew I’d save at least $5; I don’t really need/want the items if all I’ll get is chocolate. For those who shop regularly at CT either is a bonus anyways!

  15. mlongboat says:

    Stocking stuffer lindors…….. if they can last until then:)

  16. Bloodymary says:

    I managed to get 9 cards from the recycling bin and only one was $5 coupon. I don’t need that much chocolate 🙁

  17. Trixie27 says:

    Is there any minimum spending required? If I was only getting the chocolate I’d want to buy something small like a pack of gum.

  18. kzjiang says:

    “I managed to get 9 cards from the recycling bin and only one was $5 coupon. ”

    How do you know without scratching it?

  19. monica says:

    Ok, how do you guys know what you got? don’t you have to scratch it at store?

  20. Cameron says:

    sometimes there is a difference between $5000 cards and chocolate and $5 ones. can someone post what a regular one looks like?


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