What the only thing that get us through a hard Canadian winter? Roll up the rim to win! Tim Hortons imfamous Roll up the Rim instant win contest starts February 21st 2011! What’s the biggest prize you’ve ever won with this promo? My husband won $100 last year. He was pretty excited.
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The biggest thing that I have won was a free donut/ muffin or cookie.. boooo.
my husband won in 2009 and he won the $100 card. haha, he spent it in two weeks!
Great post! 😉 My husband will be happy to hear that this annual phenomenon is back! The best we’ve ever won is a free coffee!
The biggest thing I won, was a donut 🙁
don’t you think it’s better to win a donut or coffee then not win anything at all. I always want to win bigger too but the chances of winning at TH are better than the lottery.
I agree, caroman
but I do not like donuts, that is why I am sad, to those who like them, all the better. I would rather win a free coffee than a donut. 🙂
I’ve won a free doughnut or coffee, nothing bigger, but I can always hope.
PINKROSE – did you know that you can substitute the doughnut for a cookie?
We won a $100 gift card too….and spent it quickly :o)
Here if u win a donut they let you get a muffin instead!
I won a bike years back…
Thanks, it is good to know…..muffin or cookie hey lol hummmmmm
My dad won the 50″ plasma a few years ago in the lower mainland
i knew someone who won a 50 inch tv…he must have bought 3 a day..lol…i wanted the car last year so bad i almost gave myself a heart attack..i was drinking 2 a day. extra large double double.all i got were food prizes…ha ha
I have never won a thing. 🙁 I don’t drink coffee though and drink tea or hot chocolate. I have a gift card from them so maybe I will use it to buy roll up the rim and then technically I am not losing money. lol
I wish I could still use my travel mug, without them giving me an empty cup to roll up the rim… It kind of defeats the purpose. I think roll up the rim should be more environmentally friendly… it’s fun but it could be improved.
oh my! congrats to those who have won great prizes or even just more than a muffin or cookie once or twice!!
I have only EVER won a free doughnut! BOO! I play soo much lol…maybe this year!!
I wonder if Coffee Time will have the promotion where you could get a free coffee for every Play Again you got! There is a CT right where I work… that would be guaranteed free coffee for a long time! Lots of discarded cups in the garbage cans!!!!
I never win on the RUTRTW… I used to buy 3/day and win maybe one thing all year long!
I agree with the OP about the reusable mug thing, I asked that question in the main thread too… I know I did a Tim’s survey last year asking about other ideas to run the contest and I voted for Scratch and Win. I am notorious for getting double cupped coffee and forget that the roll up cup in always on the inside! Now I just ask for an XL roll up cup put in a large brown cup so you do see the Roll up cup there!!!!
Just let me win TWICE this year and it will be a victory for me!!!!!!!! *LOL*
i think they need to change how they do it though..like a rip off tab..it is so gross and unsanitary to tear off the top of the coffeecup..they need to do the tab thing i think.the cashier winced a few times at my chewed up coffee cup top…
Am I the only one who has never rolled up a rim???
I have given up on Tim Hortons and moved to McDonalds for their muffin & coffee special for $1.39.
As for prizes, I have never won more then a donut. I worked with a guy who won a BBQ one summer. He said that it had Tim Hortons everywhere!
I also agree that they need a pull off tab like the McDonalds monopoly game, or a card that you get since many people use their own cup.
Tim Horton’s single handedly increases the amount of street garbage four-fold during their RUTR campaign. In the weeks leading up to Feb 21, look around when you’re going about your business. And consciencly look at those same places when the RUTR starts. Every city should charge Timmys’ 5 cents for every cup they have to pick up. And maybe they’ll change how they run this campaign.
Oh yippee skipee.
In defence of Tim Horton’s, it’s their customer base that create the massive amounts of waste that increases around the time that their promotions begin, but is by no means isolated to this period. We can do more by using travel mugs that don’t clog landfills as paper cups do – particularly when they’re being used only for the chance to win a doughnut. (P.S. “donut” is an American spelling of the Canadian “doughnut.” Let’s try to preserve a bit of our Canadian culture when referring to a Canadian company on a Canadian website folks.) Although there are going to be winners of bikes and televisions, it’s clear that Tim Horton’s is the one that really comes out on top.
I wish they had a scratch card I dont drink hot tea,coffee or hot chocolate but I love Ice caps they cost more but no roll up on those cups.
ohh dear back to LOOOOOONG line up’s again….all the CT and Starbucks drinkers seem to have a change of taste buds when RUTR is in town!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
Thanks for warning me about Roll up the Rim Time–I have never actually won anything–I drink chocolate milk.., but the road I live on is the exact distance it takes for the local litter bugs to finish their coffee and roll up the rim–then TOSS the empty cup out on my property…
Tim’s has actually acknowledged that the ‘litter bug rate’ jumps at this time of year–due to non winners tossing their cups out of car windows in frustration.
Please note: I am not attacking anyone on this site, I fully believe that not all coffee drinkers do this–but what’s the saying: one bad apple….
My Dad won a bbq and used it for years.
If you are against waste, bring your reusable mug to Tim’s. They will gladly fill it for you.
Can someone explain what the “insert” refers to? Does it come with the flyers?
I won a mountain bike about 10 years ago, and my husband won a $100 gift card last year.
if you dont like what you win – pass the free stuff on. my cousin went to the timmies drive through one morning and when she went to pay the person before her had already paid for her with the message of ‘pay it forward’.
i am still planning on doing that sometime – how cool!
I hope SC will have a spot so that we can post what we win. Hopefully an SCer will win one of the grand prizes!!!! Good LUCK
I’m terribly disappointed over the past 5 or 10 years with the number of prizes to be won. When they first began this contest many years ago, the wins were frequent.
I never win squat anymore and this contest certainly does not motivate me to buy more coffee just because it’s on. In fact, I’ll probably buy less coffee just out of protest. And I agree with previous posters about re-usable travel mugs– they really ought to have an option for people who use travel mugs to be able to participate.
Only ever won food prizes, but last year I bought a hot chocolate at the beginning of Roll up The Rim, and won and then kept winning for the duration of it!
So I didn’t have to buy a hot chocolate for a long time!
i won the car 2 years in a row ?! 😮
does anyone know if the size of the cup actually increases the prize factor? i mean, i know they SAY they dont… but i dont think they would have the same amount of food prizes for a small, med. or large/XL. I always buy a large just so I feel my chances are better. I won 3 out of the 4 times I played. Free coffee + doughnuts… but what the hey!
I got better things to spend, oh wait get for Free, MC D’s free coffee..
I hate the roll up the “You Never Win” contest..
In the 2009 contest, 281.7 million “Roll Up The Rim” cups were distributed, with 35 cups having winning cars. This means your odds of winning a car are 35 in 281.7 million, or one in approximately one in 8 million. Winning two cars? The chances are astronomical. I think Tim Horton’s can afford to give away a car for every 8 million cups of coffee. So if Tim Horton’s charges $1.50 for a cup, they make (gross) $12 million. I haven’t bought a car in a while, but I believe that they cost significantly less, especially when bought in bulk. if not received free for publicity.
Ruby, step back for a minute.
This person used an alias “sally2” and was just being an arse. They didn’t win 2 cars.