In the Greater Toronto Area over the Labour Day Long Weekend (September 5-7, 2009), Future Shop is offering to recycle your old microwave and will give you up to a $50 voucher towards a new model. This offer is only available at 23 locations.
Panasonic will be testing a free microwave recycling program in Toronto over the long weekend that, if successful, may become a bigger cross-Canada initiative. Owners can drop off any brand of old microwave at 23 Future Shops and get a coupon for up to $50 for a more energy-efficient model.
There is no information available yet on Future Shop’s website, however more information will likely be available the closer the long weekend comes. This great offer was found in today’s (August 24, 2009) Metro newspaper on page 22.
Click here to view today’s paper.
Grr! Good idea but short on specifics.
I note the “Up to” $50.00 Coupon.It would be interesting to know the crieria used to determine the amount you would receive.