Canon Pixma MP250 All-In-One Printer at The Source: $29.99

Canon MP250 Canada

Another printer on sale at the source! Canon Pixma MP250 All-In-One Printer is on sale for $29.99 (regular price $79.99). 

Click here for Canon Pixma MP250 at the Source

17 responses to “Canon Pixma MP250 All-In-One Printer at The Source: $29.99”

  1. Eric says:

    I love it when printers cost less than the ink. Used to get my ink refilled at Island Ink-Jet, but they closed both kiosks in Fredericton.

  2. anon says:

    ahhh i bought it for $40 or 50 at staples for boxing day

  3. Catherine L says:

    Eric try I get super cheap ink there for my printer. Depends on your printer type, but worth a try. Hope this helps!

  4. K_T says:

    anon: you can go back to where you bought it and try to get a price adjustment.

  5. Tasha says:

    Thanks, I bought this on Boxing Day from FS, or BB (can’t remember) for $59.99. I bought two today, and am going to return the one from last week. One for my dad and father-in-law. Great find!

  6. Melissa13 says:

    This is a great All-in-1 printer. I actually bought it last boxing day at the Source for the same price (although they do charge the environmental fee). I haven’t had any complaints with it yet.

  7. Jenn H. says:

    my mom went to buy this at the Stratford location and they told her that the sale was for people with Source cards only. Any truth to this?

    She ended up getting the HP for the same price, but it makes me mad.

  8. wannawin says:

    I went to buy it at Future Shop first [To get a price match and add a 10% discount over and above], they made me wait for 30 mins. called Source to confirm the special etc. etc. and at the end told me that they cannot give 10% over and above as the Source special is only when you buy a computer …Ended up picking one up for $40..

    I was in no mood to give up the deal so went to Best Buy, 2 mins away from Future Shop store, showed them the Source web print out, got the price match and 10% over and above.. even with Environmental fee .. it costed me $33 which is not bad.

    FUTURE SHOP… I AM SO MAD AT THEM.. going to return their piece and will give my feedback toooooo…

  9. kerry says:

    I bought this same printer earlier this year online,at tiger direct I think for only 19.99.Actually 30 plus with taxes etc…..

  10. Karen says:

    Thanks for posting this. I just ordered this printer online with no problems…delivering to the store for no shipping costs.

  11. liz says:

    i just got mine from Best Buy. It was 19.99 with the purchase of a digital camera. Regular price 89.99 or 79.99. So if you’re looking to get a camera anyway, might as well get the printer too!

  12. Andrea Dovel says:

    Enjoy the idea. Hope ink cartridges information could guide someone there.

  13. jlf says:

    This is a scam. The printer at The Source is 29.95 IF you buy a computer.

  14. TJ says:

    I just bought one for $19 from the source, no need to buy a computer or mail in for a rebate

  15. TJ says:

    The kicker is that you need a usb 2 cord, which they sell for $28. You can prob get one at for $4

  16. P Faye says:

    You can go to the dollar store and get one for $1…..the people at the Source say it might not last very long if you are one to move the printer around a lot. But as I told them, I can buy 20 cords from there and walk away still $10 to the good…they wasn’t impressed I didn’t buy their $30 cord.

  17. Attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.


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